Topic: Coloring the art of a deceased artist

Posted under Art Talk

While going through some old works, looking for something to color to pass my time, I came across some neat pics and while attempting to contact them for permission, I discovered that sadly, they have passed. This leaves me kinda torn.

One one hand, I don’t have permission which I take pride in getting. I wouldn’t wanna upset an artist by putting out a sub par edit of their work. I’ve seen some bad color jobs. I wouldn’t want his fans upset to see his old works being colored.

But another part thinks it might be a good way for new people to see and discover an old artist who isn’t in the first results pages anymore. Might be a way to pay tribute, or let his art live on

I’m just curious about what other peoples opinions are on editing the works of deceased artists.

Coloring it just for fun and not posting it anywhere: I think that's absolutely fine. Pretty much all artists are fine with that and it's totally harmless.
Posting your colored version on e621: I personally think this is disrespectful, unless the artist explicitly announced while they were alive that they are okay with people posting edits of their work. You could perhaps contact their spouse or someone else who was close to them to ask if they think it's ok.

Oh, absolutely. I have folders of stuff labeled DNP cus I liked it so much I just wanted to color. I’m talking about coloring and making public

cloudpie said:
Coloring it just for fun and not posting it anywhere: I think that's absolutely fine. Pretty much all artists are fine with that and it's totally harmless.
Posting your colored version on e621: I personally think this is disrespectful, unless the artist explicitly announced while they were alive that they are okay with people posting edits of their work. You could perhaps contact their spouse or someone else who was close to them to ask if they think it's ok.

Pretty much this.



"Too soon" sort of situation, too. It was a year before someone arranged a tribute event for Krezz. Still sad about that. :(

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