Topic: I'm Having a noticeability issue. Thoughts Very Much Appreciated, Dood! ◠‿╹)~★

Posted under Art Talk

All right!

The plan was to keep trying my hardest every day
to make doodles full of Quality, Speed, and Enthusiasm!

post #3965606 |post #3967208 |post #3972671

Once I hit a proper point where doodling is second
nature, I move on to Phase Two, Animation! Bring those
doodles to life! Showcase what you can do by applying
those skills of doodling a doodle in a day by taking a
few to start Animating!

post #4490851 | post #4532320 | post #4516627

Making sure to plunge Head first into long form when the
chance presents it's self

post #4401357

Phase Three is to go beyond animations to things that
use animations in the dozens like full-on Episodes and Video Games, Dood!


Buuuut~ This plan, As brilliant as it is~★ does nothing for my noticeability on
the way to the finish line. This plan relies on a steady stream of 1 or 2
commissions a month to work. And recently hit a financial wall that's
stopping this plan in its tracks.

While Paving this road, I took a sec to look back, and- Look, I love the peeps
who's been with me since I started running but, If this is gonna work I'm
gonna have to work on my PR Team of Me. It's awesome to work hard on
a project and have the work speak for it's self and do the lifting bringing
eyes in but, The artist needs to do more than just draw, They need- "It."

And If I'm gonna compete with Braeburned and Fek I'm gonna
need support. And that's the thing, I'm a soloist, I'm at my most productive
and happy when I work alone.

How do I make that work, How do I work alone together?
I'm open to ideas, Dood.

Summed Up:
Need some help getting my name out there,
Art is awesome but Art alone won't cut it, We
need something if we're gonna compete with
the big boys Braeburned and Fek.

Besides the skill (I'm working on it.), What don't we got?
How do we turn Zero to Hero, Dood!


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