Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: painting_(artwork) -> traditional_painting_(artwork)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #70446 painting_(artwork) -> traditional_painting_(artwork) has been rejected.

Reason: This is overdue, I think, people often use this tag on digital paintings instead of digital_painting_(artwork), so this tag should be clearer.

This is just to carry over all the transitives, I think the current tag should be aliased to a disambiguation once that's done.

EDIT: The tag alias painting_(artwork) -> traditional_painting_(artwork) (forum #405203) has been rejected by @Nimphia.

Updated by auto moderator

It's always bugged me that there's never been a traditional painting tag despite having a one for digital paintings. Massive +1 from me.

This has been a problem for far too long, traditional art is already the minority and making it even harder to find by diluting it with mistagged digital art is a big problem.

I'd rather not actually move all the aliases over to the new tags as-is: see Watsit's comment here. I think we will need to split those up into traditional_watercolor_(artwork) and digital_watercolor_(artwork), as much as that's a lot of tags, because I often do see people tagging digital watercolors as simply watercolor_(artwork) which then incorrectly implies traditional_media_(artwork); see watercolor_(artwork) digital_media_(artwork) -mixed_media_(artwork) for an example of the problem.

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