Topic: On proper gender tagging

Rape may actually just be a poor tag, for use only in a limited number of images, since context is so important and so hard to establis

Rape is one of those tags where it's better to err on the side of tagging too many then too few.

A lot of people often forget that rape in real life is a traumatic thing and for some people, certain words, images, etc can be "triggering"... a "triggering" thing can lead into a panic attack, or depression, or the urge to self harm or other things. While one could argue that one shouldn't be browsing e21 if they're 'at risk' of a mistagged image triggering bad memories. the fact of the matter is that we provide a blacklist so that people don't have to see things that they don't want to see.

Thus, in this case.. it's rather important that 'rape' as a tag is used, and that we don't 'cut corners' on what's tagged with it. It's a subjective tag, in many ways, but it's better to err on the side of safety, here. Most people don't care. those that do will either search for it or blacklist it.

Updated by anonymous