In response to blip #133678

Cinder said:
It's gonna get worse.

ehh... what's on e9 right now's not that bad, mostly just the new wiki thing being at the top of single tag searches. and, I mean, that's a new element, so if someone really hated it they could just, like, { display: none; } and the site would more or less look like how it had before.

my only real problem with it right now is that it has a Read More button that just loads a new page, which is usually not what that means. it should probably say something else (especially in cases where article is already displayed in full) and it also shouldn't be placed in such a way that it overlaps with text of the article in the way it does. the gradient also feels like it "starts" to early and "ends" too late, but that might be more of a personal thing.

also that half-pixel diffrence between the search text box and the search button.
