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post #1567269
When you find some art that would be goddamn fantastic, except the artist decided to shit all over their own work and slap on a horrible chromatic aberration filter.
I don't think there's anything that tweaks me quite like unnecessary CA.

In case anyone hasn't noticed, I've been watching Aggretsuko and on that note I really feel sorry for hyda.

I have no idea what this does Im guessing its just like a status update
I will use this to plug in my Youtube and Twitch channel which are both under the name zylenox yeet

I've watched so many KSP mod videos that I genuinely want to make a planet mod even though I'm grossly underqualified to do such a thing for so many reasons

In response to blip #103812

It's the fault of the FTC being inept that created a piracy culture in the early 10s. They don't want to do their job, so now everyone openly and easily has access to everything. They've detrimented both creators and consumers directly and indirectly

In response to blip #103812

You're assuming not wanting to view a weekly Japanese serial you love in bulk volumes, one year after it came out, means one won't buy it when it is available. I'm sure many don't, but I already have many volumes of BEASTARS to support Paru.

So what's up with that FA DDOS?
Was any of it aimed at e621 as well? I did notice I got the Cloudflare check here.