In response to blip #66713
Fenrick said:
Had to put down my oldest dog today.Best dog I've ever had, no question. He had a good run.
You have my sympathies as a dog breeder.
Fenrick said:
Had to put down my oldest dog today.Best dog I've ever had, no question. He had a good run.
You have my sympathies as a dog breeder.
I was so tired and in so much pain that my sister had to walk to my work and drive me home... I cried in the car ride. I fucking HATE the super bowl at this point. And I have to work tomorrow. For 8 hours. For the fifth day in a row.
@Fenrick: My condolences. Putting down a dog must be horrible.
Fenrick said:
Thanks guys. And yeah, he was the best. Always good to be around, to the end
My condolences.
I hope things look up for you in the future.
@Fenrick: I send my condolences to you
Holy shiz, I'm working a rave right now. Never been to one before but from hearing the rehearsal, it's gonna be intense
@Fenrick: Had to put my childhood dog to rest a few months ago. Horrible feeling of loosing her.
I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks guys. And yeah, he was the best. Always good to be around, to the end
Fenrick said:
Had to put down my oldest dog today.Best dog I've ever had, no question. He had a good run.
Damn, sorry to hear that.
Fenrick said:
Had to put down my oldest dog today.Best dog I've ever had, no question. He had a good run.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope S/he was a true man's best friend.
Fenrick said:
Had to put down my oldest dog today.Best dog I've ever had, no question. He had a good run.
Sorry for your loss. :(
Had to put down my oldest dog today.Best dog I've ever had, no question. He had a good run.
Holy shit guys caves of qud is the cat's meow like goddamn it makes me want to hole up in my house and do nothing productive irl for a week
Did Scientists Really Make Metallic Hydrogen?
Hope so, just gotta wait. :3
@MariaDevita: Maybe :V
TheHuskyK9 said:
@MariaDevita: Trust me, it's awesome and a nice adrenaline pumper
Was that a pun on airsoft guns?
@MariaDevita: Trust me, it's awesome and a nice adrenaline pumper
In a few weeks a group of my friends along with myself are going to play paintball
I have never played except for on the Wii and I feel like I'm gonna win do pretty ok
@VividNorth: here I found one for you enjoy, I know I love mine. slave
GameManiac said:
post #1127556Oh, my chest hurts now.
Cuteness of that magnitude can't be repelled.
Does anyone know if I can buy real holdable frisky ferals comics?
I want to start my collection and that was on the list.
Support the artist I like.
VividNorth said:
For those of you who live under a rock...
...What are you, vanilla?
...BDSM slave. Duh.What should I be doing?
Step 1: try being less of an ass.
Some Instagram-famous chef dude is teaming up with a chicken place on my block and everyone in town is gonna be there, including me.
But I'm not going for the dude, I'm going for the food
-Husky 2k17
Peanut Butter Glows in the Dark
Nice, though I only have red lasers.
Oh, my chest hurts now.
I beat my personal best time in 0.2 which was 33 minutes and I got 31 minutes. Shaved off 2 minutes, I'm on a roll!
@Chameloshi: The Dart Gun was way less tactical than it should have been, haha. It turned melee enemies into an absolute joke and generally made the game piss-easy when not fighting humans or robots. Pretty hilarious though.
What Does Slime Do In Liquid Nitrogen?
Very unexpected with slimy core.
@Fenrick: But that's a tactical weapon used mostly for slowing down the target than dealing damage, my idea is basically a S&W .500 from hell specifically designed for hunting pissed off Deathclaws for sport.
@Chameloshi: Just bring back Fallout 3's dart gun
Idea for a firearm in a Fallout game: High-power magnum that has a 100% chance of crippling limbs and a 100% chance of dismemberment upon death.
BUT, heavy, single shot, slow reload, verh high recoil, no mods, extremely rare and expensive ammo.
@VividNorth: Try Second Life. They have RP communities, so you could find it without risking breaking any rules here.
No info for US EO5 till after Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse and Persona 5 releases, it would seem.
furballs dc said:
Etrian Odyssey III Untold: The Gatekeepers of the Deep for Switch
Animal Crossing early 2018?
Ok that's cool but where's my EO5?
(Praying for a double release.
TheHuskyK9 said:
I've been slowly getting back into paintball. It's so fun and exciting
I'm getting back into airsoft so that's a similarity. Except you have paint and I have paint with the t dropped.
VividNorth said:
Been looking for a slave for fucking MONTHS now, and no luck. What should I be doing?
For those of you who live under a rock, I'm talking about the D/s relationship.
Oracle of Pelor said:
@VividNorth: have you tried looking in 1850s America
What are you, vanilla?
BDSM slave. Duh.
@VividNorth: Few countries allow slaves for fucking months anymore, due to human trafficking laws. The ones that do probably aren't going to have users on a furry site.
@VividNorth: have you tried looking in 1850s America
Nintendo Switch dev hardware is called sdev/edev.
The older version has Ethernet ports.
Been looking for a slave for fucking MONTHS now, and no luck. What should I be doing?
Hello indeed!
^ ^
. .
= ∆ =
@GameManiac: When I'm low on funds, I go to McD's and order a triple cheeseburger with bacon, fries, and a drink. All of that is under $4
I've been slowly getting back into paintball. It's so fun and exciting
They say honesty's the best policy, I call bullshit on that. -.-
Is it as God awful as Norm of the North, or is it passable like Alpha and Omega?
Got paid too. $500 every week.
Still saving up for that Surface Book with Performance Base.
@2B: i want to see someone get these models. They are fantastic. Oh what joys could be accomplished on e621 if someone had them
Hey all. Just found a 3d anthro movie about sheep and wolves, blatenly named... Sheep and wolves. It gets a little cringy but hey. I believe its originally Russian and it ends with a rick roll.
Etrian Odyssey III Untold: The Gatekeepers of the Deep for Switch in late 2017(jpn)?
Animal Crossing early 2018?
finally got to Platinum tier
one step closer to finding out @Clawdragons screen name
@GameManiac: yeah.
@Ratte: @W0LFB3AT5:
Churrrrrro. Son delicioso.
@W0LFB3AT5: Chirr?
Ratte said:
@W0LFB3AT5: chirrrr
Chirrrrrrrr... -.-] I don't know what we're doing .3.
I'm sore everywhere I got awful music stuck in my head all the time now but I just made 677 dollars.
Woo hoo.
@W0LFB3AT5: chirrrr
Overkore vs. Arent & Raxell ft. BBK - Show Stopper (I AM ROBOT remix)
Amazing track.
(Too bad Soundcloud streaming still sounds like poo >:V)
So I got the Overseer's Guardian in Fallout 4, and I'm in love with this gun.
A Combat Rifle that deals 82 damage per shot, and has a two-shot effect, meaning that I can put down a Deathclaw before it even gets close enough to attack.
@furballs_dc: @NotMeNotYou:
They can take as long as they need to. Insert Shigeru Miyamoto quote here.
Besides, I have the entire Elder Scrolls Anthology to play through.
Ratte said:
. 3 .
@Doomguy666: true. but what i'm most concerned about is Sucker Punch and the lack of a new inFamous title
@Ryuzaki_Tritium: I prefer that more than releasing the same game every year, and I absolutely mean call of duty.
The site's being all buggy.....
@NotMeNotYou: damn it that is two years away. why must they keep doing this
furballs dc said:
Why Won't Bethesda Release Elder Scrolls 6?
It's 4 years between every Bethesda developed game for 20 years now. TES:6 will come 2019, 4 years after FO4.