Topic: Who's up for a picnic? (aka food tags stuff alias/implication/discussuon)

post #645229

I will strike off tags that don't need changing.

fruit (alias fruits)

**raisin (alias raisins then implicate)

*berry (alias berries)
**watermelon (but melonyan...)
*plum (mixed with character)

Vegetable (alias vegetables)


*onion (alias onions)
*sweet potato (alias sweet_potatoes)
*potato (alias potatoes)
*turnip (alias turnips)
*yam (mixed with character)

Food & Beverages

**toast (implicate)
**breadsticks (implicate)
**spaghetti (implicate)
*fries (alias french_fries)
**propose alias to chips_(disambiguation)(forum #160233)
***then either tag with chips_(food) or poker_chip(forum #157502)
***(alias crisps and implicate potato_chips & corn_chips)
*tofu (mixed with characters)
**ramen (implicate)

**grape_soda (implicate)
**orange_soda (implicate)

*yogurt (alias yoghurt)
*honey (is food? look at tag first before criticizing me)



Side Notes (minor things that need fixing)

*have not looked into seasonings(salt & pepper_(seasoning)) yet
*butt_burger alias ass_burger
*juice/juices being for posts that should be tagged with pussy_juice or saliva
*bean/beans, mixed with plants, some weird stuff happening over there
*jam(maybe jelly too) mixed with goo and slime
*nuts, mixed with "nuts and blots kinda nuts" and "peanuts(mixed with species) & acorns(mixed with character)"
*olive, mixed with others, propose olive_(fruit) tag for those that should be in my martini
*pea, mixed with character and peashooter from PvsZ
*weird stuff you probably never seen b4, viewers discretion is advised.{post #89967, pool #1116, post #400199, post #532772)

why am i doing this to myself

Tell me anything I missed, this is still under construction completed.

Updated by user 187249