I have gotten sick of the retarded negative/troll/postshitting circlejerk that has become comments. As a result, welcome to shark week, which will in all likelihood last much longer than a week, in which I am perusing the comments section, and if I find you to be a particularly shitty poster, you will be given a 1 month ban, minimum.

I trust those of you horrible posters so affected will then take the time to either reflect on what has happened, and either stop looking at pictures that personally offend you for the sole purpose of having a whiny shitfit about them, or instead move on to greener pastures because you obviously can't handle the art here.

This also goes for people who have retarded grudges against other uses here. Protip: Nobody cares about your dumb rivalry with random user soandso. Take it outside kids.

Thank you for your cooperation, Shark week begins 30 minutes ago.

With your cooperation in not being an idiot, you too can help make this a better site - nay, a better world! Or something. Stop being dumb.

Updated by niko belllic