Topic: Tag suggestion/discussion: scary_sex / dangerous_sex / penis_danger / ?

General forum for discussing the possibilities, definition, and criteria for such a tag

Examples in here will be added to set #5079 until some consensus is reached for an 'official' tag name

Saw something like this on the boorus, and thought it would be interesting to have, if it doesn't already exist.
Especially since we get such..diverse body types and species on here

What this tag is for:

Stuff like:

post #321890 post #322856 post #185818 post #329812 post #133308 post #786209 post #838763 post #395729

Lots of things from nightmare_fuel sex may apply

Maybe have something for the male/* oral scenarios,

And something for penetration scenarios?

A less subjective/ambiguous name would be great too


Not sure what the female/non-penis versions would look like for this, will do some searching later and add them in

Updated by Genjar