Topic: Advanced tag discussion: Mutually-exclusive Body Types/Styles (anthro, feral, human, humanoid, taur, 'semi-anthro' etc.)


Former Staff

titanmelon said:
Rather than nuking it though, I think the tag in somse form is worthwhile enough to keep for ambiguous cases

Truly ambiguous ones are rare, though. Almost everything that's currently tagged as semi-anthro can be fit into the main categories. The rest? Well, someone suggested an ambiguous_form tag, which seems like a good idea. 'course, that would be tagged for all characters that cannot be pigeonholed somewhere, not just borderline anthro/ferals.

1a. humanoid - humanoid shape, anatomy, proportions, - Little anthropomorphism

Anthropomorphism means giving non-humans human features. Most humanoids are not anthromorphic at all: there's no base creature that has been made more human-like. Except for some humanoidized characters (and things, such as planes).

Animal humanoids are usually considered to be the opposite: a form of zoomorphism, humans with animal features. But if they were to be considered anthropomorphic...

post #88044

...the fox on the right side is not anthropomorphized at all, while the animal_humanoid on left is extremely anthropomorphic.

*- I've noticed that two main types of ferals get put into this category:

  • i. Looks like a real animal, but with some 'humanised' qualities, especially facial expressions with the eyes and mouth. Closer to feral Disney animal characters

(canines are physically capable of making those expressions, but they're unlikely to happen)

I honestly don't see much difference between those. Feral is feral, regardless of the art style.

post #241795 is tagged feral because of the hummingbird. The canines are clearly anthro (handlike paws, bipedal posture).

Updated by anonymous