Topic: Advanced tag discussion: Mutually-exclusive Body Types/Styles (anthro, feral, human, humanoid, taur, 'semi-anthro' etc.)

Examples from the tag group:body types wiki for Anthro:

post #858813 post #206858

Are these the same body type? Why?


Examples from the tag group:body types wiki for Feral:

post #208969 post #386121

Compare with

post #868662 and post #248379

Are these the same body type? Why?


This doesn't even begin to address the overlap between taur as well,

The only thing formally gets tagged as taur are human top + feral bottom halves

There is no unifying tag except for semi-anthro, to my knowledge, that accurately captures the idea or anthropomorphic characters with a balance of feral and humanoid traits

Updated by anonymous