Topic: movies

i just remembered a couple i still have. the 2 Vampire Hunter D (vampire hunter D and vampire hunter D bloodlust) movies. fairly old by now but still pretty good.

i also still have Return of the living dead which unfortunately was the first in a series that suffered that fate of each sequel being worse than the last. the 2nd movie was...ok but the last 2? ugh, no, get rid of that trash.

edit (a day later): well, i just finished phantasm V and all i can say is... what the HELL WAS THAT?!

5th and final installment... NO! that was NOT an ending. what the fuck? how the hell is THAT supposed to be the end of this series of movies?

spoiler alert: the big finale is a fucking cliffhanger!

Lots of giant spheres are then shown in the sky, indicating the war with The Tall Man is far from finished.

they didn't end ANYTHING! not only that but i think the quality dropped somewhat...overall

Updated by anonymous