Topic: Tag Alias: locke -> locke_(disambiguation)

Aliasing locke → locke_(disambiguation)
Link to alias


8 character tags (and 2 artist & 1 copyright tags) start with locke. Posts have been tagged with "locke" and they probably will again.

eight character tags that start with locke_ :
2 locke_(kileak)
4 locke_(r-a-s-p)
1 locke_(shark)
7 locke_(yoshi)
1 locke_cole
10 locke_surnahm
1 locke_thain
5 locke_the_echidna

(plus there were some uploads tagged with locke that I moved to liam_locke.)

two artist tags
2 : lockerobster ("LockeRobster" at DeviantArt)
1 : locke-357

Plus copyright tag
locke_kingdom (one upload)

(Other e621 tags with locke in them are: dane_locke, hilary_locke, jasmine_locke, pirate_captain_locke, stephen_locke, and tobi_locke. ... and maybe scathelocke.)

EDIT: The tag alias locke -> locke_(disambiguation) (forum #244462) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator