Topic: Tag Alias: blush_stickers -> blush_sticker

Furrin_Gok said:
...I've always just tagged those as rosy_cheeks.

mmm, I didn't know about that tag.

That said... Blush_stickers are supposed to be a firm hard-ish-edged pink mark on the cheeks.

Rosy cheeks seems like a mix of blush_stickers and blush by posts...

I think I prefer blush_stickers because that's pretty obviously not just... a blush. rosy cheeks feels like it might just be someone's alternative blush' tag, y'know?


edit: ffs, sleepy snowwolf posts late again.. and misses the obvious. Yay.

I keep getting cuaght by the assumption that "well, surely if one of them has a wikipage, the other doesn't already have implications right?"


Updated by anonymous