Topic: Admins, what are some of the worst things that has happened on this website?

MagnusEffect said:
I'll admit I get knee-jerky about it, probably because the ones that draw attention to it are the ones that make a fuss and immediately threaten to sue everybody in public comments.

Sorry if I got a bit fussy, it's just... There are always going to be people that are over dramatic and huffy. But those people are the minority. And it's really dangerous to treat a group of people--artists in this case-- like they're all like the loudest and most vocal members of their group.

Without getting political about it, it's something i've seen a lot lately, and it is *always* intended to discredit everyone like that. "I think maybe kids should be accompanied by adults in order to buy tide pods" turns into "Antidetergent activists want to BAN detergent pods from grocery stores!"

and I hate that shit so much. It's dangerous and unhealthy to society.

And while this is jsut about furry art.. y'know? it's the same tools being used to dismiss people without even considering if they have valid concerns. There will always be drama queens. But they're not all of us.

Updated by anonymous