Topic: [Feature] New upload form

Requested feature overview description.
There was already change made so that users had to select rating when uploading content to avoid false ratings which already caused slight amount of annoyance from the power users and doing any further suggestions have resulted into "guess I would stop uploading then". So rather than proposing just updating current upload form, why not just have both? Put the current upload form next to regular upload link as "Express" upload. This way the power users who know what they are doing, can still do their things without too much friction in the process. Also I would imagine this being trivial to achieve considering that the information send with the form to site should be similar, so most of the changes would be for end user.

As for regular upload form, simplest way of saying what needs to be done is to take what's in the wiki and provide that information to user when it's needed and guide them in the process.

This would mean stuff like following, but not limited to:

  • Have warning if direct URL upload matches sample version. There has been cases where people have even uploaded furaffinity thumbnails because direct URL upload allowed it, then thinking that the feature is busted.
  • Sources being five input fields instead of textbox (or one input field with + to add more) messaging that users can put in more than single source. Checkbox under source input field if there's none available, this would stop the upload and notify user to add in source if they didn't provide one or verify there being none.
  • Instead of huge textbox input for tags, have multiple steps for specific kind of tags. This would include stuff like artist input field with checkbox for unknown and anonymous (cut down posts with no artist tagged or anonymous tagged falsely as anon), genders and amount of characters as chechbox, etc. and lastly have "others" as textbox with link to checklist on wiki. This would be similar to inkbunny approach on things.
  • On rating, explain most common examples right then and there, then provide link to larger page on wiki. Right now there's nothing else than three choises which are identical to many other sites, but which usage isn't.
  • Include fields to add post into pool, set or as parent post and give option to create new one if needed. Right now it is possible to include post into pool, set or parent, but requires knowledge of specific metatag. Having ID input or dropdown field for pools would already make things easier for majority of users without inside knowledge of things, which would cut down "can someone pool?" questions I constantly see.

Why would it be useful?
Problem with current uploading form is that it demands users to have knowledge of many things. How this is currently given to users is with textbox telling them to go to wiki and figure things out there. After this, it relies on users memorizing these things or manually checking on them every time they upload. This can and most likely will cause some users to go where the fence is lowest, doing only the minimal amount of job because all they want is to upload the content, even if tagging and sourcing are the extremely important aspects.

I see a lot of same mistakes made over and over and over again, to the point that it's not just about users being stupid half of the time. Some of these mistakes are of nature that they will take a lot of time from other users to explain and fix.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

  • Upload form
  • Top panel under posts

Updated by Mantikor