Topic: New tag suggestion: Proboscidean

This has been discussed before, popping its head every once in a while, but I don't believe we've had a full on forum post about it so here we go:

I feel we have a problem in that we don't have a solid species tag for animals in the elephant/elephant relatives family. This often leads to the occasional posts lacking the mammal tag despite being tagged as mammoth, when mammoths are mammals (mind you this often gets fixed quickly, but why have to manually fix something that should be innately implicated?).

So, my suggestion is a new, helpful, encompassing species tag a la the newer procyonid and herpestid tags: the Proboscidean tag. This is the order that elephants and elephant relatives, such as woolly mammoths, fall under. This tag, naturally, will imply mammal. Not only will this allow for proper mammallian tagging but also will benefit those looking for elephant-like creatures without specifically looking for elephant (example: people looking for feline characters with the larger, encompassing feline tag without specifically having only the cat tag and nothing else).

This would also benefit tagging fictional, obviously elephant based creatures (such as phanpy and donphan) with this, as you're not tagging it with the specific species but rather the encompassing tag based on its physical qualities and anatomy.

Anyways, naturally, the tags that would imply Proboscidean would be:

And Proboscidean itself implies mammal. Naturally, elephant should have its mammal implication removed, since it would already imply it.

