Topic: Remove original_character -> fan_character

Twines said:
In hindsight I knew it might be a sketchy reference, but she was tagged 'Guild_Wars' so I took it as fact. I didn't really look further than the tags. I admit that I might have been wrong. This is what happens with bad tagging (if that's the case). But assuming she is from Guild Wars then what I said makes sense. If she's not then the fan_character logic does not apply and she would then be an original_character.

I got the information at the top of this thread.

And as for what you've stated, her not looking anything like Guild Wars, this is essentially the idea of a fan_character, sure there might not be much to her looks to say she's straight from Guild Wars, but if she was tagged GW with the intention of being related to the universe and (quite possibly) from it, then she would be a fan_character.

post #346181
this is not paige's mae. this is some completely different person's character who just happens to have same name. it has absolutely nothing to do with paige's mae who you were talking about.

Updated by anonymous