Topic: Creating a tag for slurs/extreme harsh language

NotMeNotYou said:
Why do you feel the tag degradation is too broad?
Wouldn't it work rather well if the tags degradation and text are used in tandem?

We do have multiple escalations for BDSM content (bound vs BDSM for example) so I'm not entirely against having a tag for different harshness levels of degradation as well.

The degradation tag and even degradation+text involves a lot of stuff that's not profanity. Profanity/slurs also aren't mutually inclusive with degradation- you can have playful or casual use, or else just have them pop up in mean dirty talk that doesn't quite get to the point of degradation.

I think there could/should be different levels of profanity tagging. There should definitely be a way to separate mild profanity like 'crap' or 'damn' from stronger words like 'shit' and 'fuck'. Slurs are their own category of profanity that comes from terms used to refer to specific groups.

Updated by anonymous