Topic: PSA: How to report bad behavior

Reporting Comments, forum posts, or blips

On the offending comment, forum post, or blip click the "Report" button at the bottom of it. Then fill in the reason and hit "Submit Complaint".
Please be as descriptive as possible with the reason given. The better you explain the situation the easier we have it to assess the information you provide us.

Good reasons to report:

  • harassment
    • stalking other users, targeting users with down votes, etc are all reportable offenses that fall under this
  • insulting other users
    • racist insults, insults against a user's sexuality, insulting a user's nationality, etc are all worth reporting
  • being creepy
  • spam
  • trolling
  • generally being a douche to other users

What not to report for:

  • Trivial things that are older than a month are rarely given a record. Unless the thing they're doing is incredibly harmful (linking to malware, threats of murder, doxxing, anything actually illegal under US law code, etc) we usually do not bother with them after they're older than a month
    • this means if someone was a bit creepy 2 months ago, and hasn't been creepy again since then, we assume they grew as a person and realized it's creepy on their own
    • if you're unsure of it's severity report it anyway and we'll have a look

Further Reading:

Updated by anonymous