Topic: PSA: How to report bad behavior

Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
The tricky part with reporting those who downvote comments or posts is that unless it is explicitly stated by who is doing it, the only ones who can really find out are staff...

Here's an idea. I'm not sure if it's good or not, but see what you think:

  • Provide a 'voting stats' page which generates stats on how a particular user has voted.
  • This would use 'anonymized' usernames (for example, sort the list of voted-on users by total points ((-1 * downvotes)+upvotes of that user), and show the first item in that list as user 'A', second 'B', etc.. User profiles also wouldn't be linked.
  • The following tables could be shown:

** Sum of votes ((-1 * downvotes)+upvotes) made on each $ANONYMIZED_USER (all their comments)
** Sum of votes ((-1 * downvotes)+upvotes) made on each $ANONYMIZED_USER (all their uploaded posts)

  • Sort each table by the sum of votes, descending, so that cases of extreme upvoting or downvoting are easy to identify.
  • In a broad sense, this is like a histogram which could help identifying 'suspicious' accounts (upvote/downvote abuse)

IMO this could allow some transparency for ordinary users, with the anonymization preventing further cultivation of conflicts.

For admins the usernames could be de-anonymized and linked to profiles, unless something like that already exists..?

Updated by anonymous