Topic: "Do we have a tag for that" thread

MyNameIsOver20charac said:
looked at the tagcounts and lack of wikis and didn't think they were official. I'd say keep skinless and either skinning or flaying and retag the others to them. seems like a pretty small project (get the feeling they're all undertagged though considering all the gore I've seen here)

That sounds reasonable. Flayed and skinned are basically the after result, which in theory skinless should cover. So skinless and skinning (or flaying) might be all we need. Admittedly, I'm not looking at it as closely as I maybe should though and could be missing something.

As for the small size and lack of wikis: I think it's just one of those tags that a lot of people find it hard to look at, so no one's sorted it out yet or deliberately gone looking for it (with tagging it in mind). I just always assumed there weren't that many images for it, since it does take a strong stomach to draw it. But undertagging is also really likely. A lot of gore/death tags tend to be undertagged actually, based on the few I've worked on.

Updated by anonymous