Topic: Tagging mixed breed as hybrid?

To save other people time: hybrid mixed_breed

Kinaj said:
The fused words aren't the point, that mixed breeds are getting tagged as hybrids is what I am about.

Mixed is aliased to hybrid, too. There is that little tag mixed_breeds. Even has the wiki entrance that tells not to confuse it with hybrids.
There are however only 29 pictures with that tag right now and it's not a species type, either.

Something you must keep in mind is that the website is not a living omnipotent being that lives in perfect harmony with itself. It's a thing that anyone can contribute to and any one person can add their ideas do.

mixed_breed, as a tag, had it's wiki page created lass than months ago. It is not, if you will, an officially sanctioned tag. And that's fine. it covers a particular niche.

That doesn't mean that when we, as the site staff, made a change and made an effort to clean up every single species tag on the site, that we didn't make a few mistakes or over sights.

I mean. I'd like to draw your attention to the hybrid wiki where it says "The following tags are aliased to this tag: foxttercoon, draquine, drolf, mixed_species, drox, foyote, drakitterwolf, macunny, orcagon, wolingo (428 more)"

now I see your tags in this list -- black_lab-dalmatian_mix and black_lab-dalmatian-mix which leads to part of the problem. It's hard to standardize that. which species comes first? how do you shorten it? some people like squishing names together, like this great_danematian, ... nevermind the Schnolfs and the Foxskyes, and the unigons and the worgis and whatnot.

however, black labrador is a tag and so is dalmatian ... those are standardized. I'd say "hybrid" is the right tag to use there. that said, I think mixed breed is not a bad tag to have either! though I already see some people misusing it. a dragon/velociraptor is NOT a mixed breed... I also see a wolf/lion and a few other dubious ones.

some people don't know the difference between breed and species. :|

Updated by anonymous