Topic: why does human only get removed

Chaser said:
The posts you are seeing are likely old posts which were grandfathered.
As for why not allow it, there's plentiful other sites that allow human art.

But there aren't plentiful other sites that have such a comprehensive and well thought out tagging standard, or just standards of operation in general.

Frankly, the excuse that this is "furry centrist" and "there are plenty of other sites that also have non-furry content" really doesn't work when those other sites aren't even half as well run, put together, and objective as this website. Even more so when many of them are host to malvertising.

Yet, there's also the fact that this website includes pretty much everything *except* humans for some reason. If it's human but has pointy ears, hey! That's an elf. It gets included. How about tiny lower tusks jutting from under the lower lip and slightly green skin tone? An orc! That's totally relevant to the website!

We're pretty much just one tiny step away from allowing human content and anyone that's taken a good look around can see that it fits right in just fine from the grandfathered stuff and would continue to do so if we'd simply allow for such.

I'll never understand why this site is so adversarial to human only content. It often seems like the only reason human content isn't allowed is because "this is how it was always meant to be and so this is how we're always going to do it!" It could be so much more and so much better if it weren't the tiny bit discriminatory in this specific manner that it is.

This website has nearly everything for every occasion, whether safe or erotic, and its standards and tagging system is the best in the industry. The only thing it's missing and will forever continue to miss is content with only humans or content with things that look too much like a human.

Finally, and this is the biggest part, by finally allowing human only content there'd be no more contradictory calls, you wouldn't have members calling for staff to create and adhere to strict standards of what is and isn't relevant because, suddenly, everything that isn't illegal or real would be relevant.

It'd speed up approvals because you'd no longer have people making judgement calls, having to consult with other staff, or just outright ignore a piece and hope someone else gets to it because they just don't know.

The only things that'd really have to manually be reviewed are "Is this IRL porn, is this illegal, and is the artist on DNP," and if a majority of uploaders did their job and included the artist name that last one wouldn't be much of a problem at all.

So, yeah. Overall, it seems like removing the "human filter" would make processing faster and save staff time not only in judgements but also in defending their positions on questionable calls as those three things are pretty cut and dry unlike the system of "well, it depends on who gets to it first" that we currently have now which bogs down the otherwise smoothly running well oiled machine.

Updated by anonymous