Topic: why does human only get removed

AnotherDay said:
No, it is an excuse. As I already covered, being told to look elsewhere when there is no "elsewhere" that offers the same high standards is an excuse, especially when there's no absolute reason other than "Because we said so" to keep this as furry centrist when there's already just so much content that isn't really furry in the slightest.

It'd make things easier on everyone if this went from being a "furry archive site" to just an "archive site."

As for going in the other direction or anything else, there's no point in speculating just like there's no point in not showing that, even after all these years, there's still interest in allowing human only content on e6.

I've learned from experience that just because the staff generally stick to their guns on things doesn't mean that they won't ever change their minds, no matter what they may say to the contrary. So, to this extent, I'll continue to be befuddled by the absolute abhorrence to human only content and continue to point out, whenever others bring up a related topic, that there's still an interest to include, and good reasons to include, human only content on top of the everything other than that which is already allowed.

I bet you also call ford not making camaros an excuse because GM makes camaros, so ford should to. talking to you is redundant, and continuing this conversation will garnish me nothing.

Updated by anonymous