Topic: [Feature] Guest landing page

mrox said:
If you implement this anti-user feature, please do it in a way which doesn't redirect or block content. Meaning if you have a few tabs open and restart your browser with all cookies deleted on closing, those tabs should reload to the same URL instead of being redirected to another page. The original HTML should still be downloaded and loaded behind the legal disclaimer notice instead of a simple script which reloads the current page after you click accept.

In other words, make it possible for an ad-blocker to block it.

To me it does sound like javascript is the best approach. This would make it so that page doesn't need reloading and would be extremely easy to adblock or just disable javascript and it will never pop up (I actually do this for couple websites, including Paheal). This is also why I said that being logged in disables this as someone with account is most likely aware of what we have here and how we operate (at least hopefully).

I know this is one of those features which can be extremely annoying when done incorrectly, but at the same time, we do host content that has shock value for your avarage person, so at least for me it does sound like nice gesture to at least warn them before they go further down. Also if we keep it as single window, having cross at the corner would be the "I don't fucking care" option.

Updated by anonymous