Topic: Tag Alias: toxic_neon_shayde -> grungecandy

Aliasing toxic_neon_shayde → grungecandy
Link to alias


Same artist.
says "i up and left this lame ass account. I will keep this here though, to store my old arts, etc. NEW account is here grungecandy <=== "

New account doesn't seem to refer to old account,
does includes "✖ Kona ✖" and "Profile ID" is of Kona fursona,
while old userpage (toxicneonshayde) includes "Full Name: KoNa kei"

Nine posts tagged with toxic_neon_shayde,
while 124 posts tagged with grungecandy.

(BTW, there is general tag toxicneonshayde,
but accuracy seems dubious ..
for whatever reason post #35341 was edited by (username currently "DeletedAccount")
adding artist tag razr and (general tag) toxicneonshayde,
but uploads of the artwork at FA mention neither razr nor toxicneonshayde.
"DeletedAccount" received a negative record of "Adding inflammatory tags to harass artists is a good way to get yourself banned. ...")
edit: I see 11 other posts tagged with both jasmine_isis razr tags. So maybe adding of razr tag to that artwork was an honest mistake from accidentally clicking on wrong tag in "Related Tags"/"Recent Tags" section?

EDIT: The tag alias toxic_neon_shayde -> grungecandy (forum #272198) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator