Topic: [Announcement] Making our gender tags less vulgar


As the subject says this is the announcement that we will be changing the tags dickgirl and cuntboy to less vulgar terms. The new terms will be gynomorph for dickgirl and andromorph for cuntboy respectively. This change will be performed for all existing aliases and implications, and all currently existing aliases and implications will continue to work as they already do. They'll just display the new terms.

The old terms will also not be invalidated, whether you search for dickgirl or gynomroph will make no difference, they will return the same search results.

The current plan is to implement this on Tuesday, starting from 01:00AM PDT / 02:00AM MDT / 03:00AM CDT / 04:00AM EDT.

I expect it'll take about 2-3 hours until everything has been transferred and the aliases and implications have fully populated.

Updated by ImpidiDinkaDoo