Topic: Tag Alias: jibbin_kodiyak -> jib_kodi_(artist)

Aliasing jibbin_kodiyak → jib_kodi_(artist)
Link to alias



(13 posts at e621) was name written on old art (or to be more exact "Jibbin' Kodiyak").

The official switch to "Jib Kodi" as artist name on art seems to have started (at least at FA) in 2017 November with Pinto & Natto's Thanksgivin! - Animated
"Posted: Nov 23rd, 2017" ("Jib Kodi" artist name on art).

All art (by the artist) at FA after that artwork have "Jib Kodi" written on them.

(2 early pieces also had "Jib Kodi" written on them
1) Posted: Jul 7th, 2017: Pic of Moi ;)
2) Posted: Oct 15th, 2017: Muenstercat Sticker Pack ,
both uploaded by )

Latest art at FA uploaded in 2018 December,
with more recent art uploaded to (Twitter name "Jib Kodi"),
also with "Jib Kodi" written on artwork.

"Jib Kodi" is also name of artist's character
(source: ref sheet Ref right in da Scraps )

Currently e621 has two character tags:
1) jib_kodi with one post. (post #1573617 )
2) jibkodi_(character) with one post (post #1568807 )

In terms of future-proofing Jib*Kodi* tags, suggest
A) artist tag be jib_kodi_(artist)
B) character tag be jib_kodi_(character)

(since already confusion with plain jib_kodi tag, because is character tag, when according to usual tag style should have been artist tag)

(EDIT: FA search for jibbinkodiyak gets 244 uploads at FA
- (about 6 photos, 1 duplicate, and 2 uploads by other artists)
= about 235 pieces of art.
So there will probably be more uploads to e621 in future.)

EDIT: The tag alias jibbin_kodiyak -> jib_kodi_(artist) (forum #277234) has been approved by @SnowWolf.

Updated by auto moderator