Topic: Why you don't up vote?

Posted under General

I was just noticing this and it puzzled me.

Generally if I favorite an image I also up vote it. In some cases if I like the art, but its outside my liking subject-wise I will up vote and not favorite. But I don't think I have ever favorited and not up voted. Yet I notice tons of images with 60, 80, 100, or 200 plus favorites and only maybe 20 or 30 up votes sometimes.

So what is your take on it? Just curious myself.

Updated by Lance Armstrong

sometimes i favorite something because i find it hot and i probably want to find it again but i dont upvote it because the art is bad

Updated by anonymous

Voting up or down adds flavor to your account. Why not use the feature?

The ability to see your likes as a gallery would be convenient. Same with the ability to change the vote in case you voted wrong.

Updated by anonymous

I vote in a few circumstances: When the image is exceptional, when the score is lower than I feel it should be, or when I want to express my approval of an image, but it's not necessarily something I want to see frequently (and thus I don't want to favorite).

I vote down when an image is something I don't really feel belongs on the site (not furry, pure human, no parent post, and yet has been approved by the admins), or when it is very poorly done. Some very lazy animations, for instance. But that's even more rare than upvoting.

Favoriting is for images I want to see again later. Sometimes even images I don't like as much, just to check to see how the scores / comments are getting along. So ultimately I use favoriting and voting for very different purposes.

Updated by anonymous

It's great to see the reasons here.

Of course, simply forgetting will happen of course. Analyzing my own voting pattern I found that the majority of my down votes were basically just images with quality issues or subject matter I find distasteful.

Updated by anonymous

I never got into the habit much because the other site I used to be active on that used the booru software counted favorites as upvotes.

Updated by anonymous

If I like something, I'll upvote it.

I don't use the favourite button so much.

Updated by anonymous

One of the first things I do when I sign in is go through all the new posts to see if I like any of them and favorite them to remind me to go back to them as there are usually a few.

I upvote things if the quality of the art is very impressive or I really approve of the content.

I have never downvoted a thing.

Updated by anonymous

Too busy being overlord.

...nah, I usually just forget to

Updated by anonymous

I don't know why really. I upvote what I upload out of habit, and I'm sure I've upvoted quite a few other posts, but I haven't done it for all my favorite... I guess I see less of a point in upvoting... If I already favorited something it seems like that should count as an upvote. But who am I to say.

Updated by anonymous

There's not really a incentive for it, while fav'ing keeps the post in your favorites for safekeeping.

Updated by anonymous

I have favorites? No, I don't.

But seriously, I suppose I wouldn't be adverse to syncing my offline collection to my e621 favorites. The thing is I download works that I seem to like and decide if I should keep them on a later date.

I don't think there's an app for syncing, but I imagine one could be used for scanning a directory for e621-supported images and animations, checking filenames for MD5 hashes, hashing files without MD5 hashes in their names, comparing against e621 or its master hash list, and sorting the user's pictures by their presence on e621. Then I'd just need a Fav All function. Such an app would be more useful for potential uploaders to identify which works they have saved locally that were not already uploaded to e621.

I have upvoted some files on e621 for various reasons. Usually I only upvote files that left a strong impression on me around the time of the upvote. A few times I've upvoted some works that I thought were underappreciated or not as bad as their low score would suggest. My upvotes only reflect my state of mind at the time they were placed, because I don't know what I saw in some works I upvoted looking back at them now.

Updated by anonymous

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