Topic: What is a tagging project?

Posted under General

A tagging project is where you want to change something to something else that the server won't automatically do, right?

If so, then I'd like to propose a tagging project that will add the tag girly to all posts with male, -girly and panties/leggings. I don't know tag implications can add one tag because some key tags exist on a post, so that's why I want to do this...

Updated by Lance Armstrong

A tagging project is where you use your powerful human mind to analyze images and make tag changes.

For example, we could script it so that all male stockings -girly get the girly tag, but then a lot of mistakes would be made.

What you have come up with is a search that could probably make the task of finding posts to put the girly tag on easier.

male stockings solo -girly might be easier.

Updated by anonymous

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