Hello people of the interwebs and of the e621 forums (derp)
I basically have a question about the 'minimal standard requirements' on images that can be uploaded. I've seen a few takedowns on images not meeting the quality, I know its typically either very small images or sketches, but to what extent does this count?
I'm currently uploading the works of Amazin-Arts- as his stuff isn't up here and he has given me permission to do so - and I know his detailed, coloured works are fine, i know this. But he has a large number of sketches like the following:
Only a few examples but, I know images like this are fine - being more detailed and such https://e621.net/post/show/1011315/-3-amazin-arts-anal-anal_penetration-animal_genita
and I am not talking about images like http://amazin-arts.tumblr.com/image/129657626817 as they are too 'sketchy' and not quality
How detailed should a sketch be to technically allowed on here? Or is there a thing on this site basically talking about this in more detail, and I just missed it?
I'd rather ask than do strings of sketch uploads, and have them pulled down
Thanks in advance
Updated by user 22273