Topic: Overhaul for the Kemono tag

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

There's a lot of people out there including myself who come to this site exclusively for non-western furry art whom we may not technically be furries in the sense of having fursona and other things, just people who simply adore anthropomorphic animals specifically kemono, and our voices should be heard regarding suggestions for this site, as it stands right now typing Kemono or Japanese_text seems to do the trick, but it could be much better, MUCH BETTER.

Kemono simply is Japanese version of furries, which means the art style is vastly different from western furries, which does attract a large audience outside of the furry fandom. The inclusion of such a tag is very helpful, however it's something that a poster has to manually tag in order for said image to show up once searching, which means there's a huge chunk of non-western art that wasn't tagged under the Kemono Tag since they didn't tag it that COULD BE showing up.

What i am suggesting is, the kemono tag should be automatically tagged for japanese artists without the poster having to tag it, similar to how if someone were to to post an image of an artist they shouldn't, it would automatically tag as ''conditional_dnp'', so it's possible.

So, a huge list of japanese artist should be added to that autotag system, such as kishibe, kame_3, akitaka, wkar, youki and many more hundreds, and it should also tag older photos that were posted of that artist and so the kemono tag will have a large number of images added to it and future ones will be far more frequent, and of course a lot of people seemed to tag kemono on western art which doesn't make sense, it should be removed.

And in doing so the kemono tag will be extremely useful since it can also pretty much be used as a magic tag for a japanese version of e621, which is a huge win win for everyone.

Updated by ikdind

I agree, this is easily my favorite tag and I'd love to see it become more useful in pulling up only Eastern art, and more of it

Updated by anonymous

Kemono are anime anthros.

If you implicate it from an artist though, you're screwed if they post a western style image.

Updated by anonymous

No, that's not how tags are supposed to be used.

We have western artists drawing in anime-style, and we have eastern artists drawing in western styles. Implications like that don't make sense because there's simply no guarantee that artists won't do something in a style that's not "local".

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
No, that's not how tags are supposed to be used.

We have western artists drawing in anime-style, and we have eastern artists drawing in western styles. Implications like that don't make sense because there's simply no guarantee that artists won't do something in a style that's not "local".

I define kemono as anthros drawn by the japanese. Some japanese artist may not draw the most anime ish looking anthros, but in essence when it comes from a Japanese artists its simply
more appealing to a lot of people, it has that magical feeling to it only the japanese can do. a good example would be Kikurage which i really like, which doesnt draw so anime ish so to speak of.
They tend to be a minority, the majority draw the more anime looking ones, i and many would simply like to see a system being added were japanese artists only shown exclusively. actually, well not JUST japanese, other artists from asian countries as well since they share that magic too.

And fair point thought, kemono to many can simply just mean it being anime style and it can cause some contradictions, but ideally it would be awesome if a system would be added where asian artists
are only highlighted since it has that magic to it. It would mean A LOT to so many people out there and make the browsing experience in e621 far more appealing according to their taste.

Since the Kemono tag can be contradictory and not as fitting, what about another tag that would do everything i suggested? like for example ''show_asian_artists_only'' or something you get what i mean not the most creative at coming up with a name for that tag but overall, a system that magically that turns e621 into a anime fan type friendly site.

Updated by anonymous

I feel like there is an enormous counter-example, in the form of Japanese artists drawing pokemon. Pokemon are, as a general rule, not kemono (some may be considered kemono, and certainly pokemon have been depicted as kemono, but you can't possibly convince me that a canonical depiction of a diglett or a geodude is a kemono). There are a bloody many thousands of images under pokemon japanese_text -kemono from Japanese artists, that would simply pollute the kemono tag if we started implicating Japanese artists to kemono.

I'm sure there are Japanese artists who specialize in kemono and have never drawn pokemon, but now we're splitting a fairly thin hair, trying to twist the tag implication system to handle special cases, and it was never meant for that.

Anyone can tag. If there are a bunch of images missing the kemono tag, then that sounds like an opportunity to properly tag a bunch of images. Maybe this should even be proposed as a tagging cleanup project.

Updated by anonymous

Kemono is for Eastern Style, not Japanese Artist. If you want to find works from any Japanese artist, try source:pixiv.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Kemono is for Eastern Style, not Japanese Artist. If you want to find works from any Japanese artist, try source:pixiv.

That is a very effective at finding such results, i didn't know of this, but thanks! but unfortunately not perfect. Since the tag only displays
images according to the source, it doesn't specifically highlight eastern artists so some
western may show up, but rarely, so not that bad. and eastern art isn't
exclusive to pixiv only, so theres still a huge chunk of eastern art missing, a lot of those
artists usually post on twitter too and not pixiv or a mix of both which doesnt exactly highlight everything
that is eastern. And westerners also use twitter a lot.

Which is why it's very important to implement the system i described in some shape or form, the kemono tag as the host tag for this system may not be fitting now that
i realize after reading some of the replies here, but there can be a fancy magical tag with a special name to do just what i described.

Eastern Art and Western Art are two completely different entities pretty much, some people will just naturally prefer eastern over western, and that's also even if the
eastern piece of art doesn't look anime ish, its about the essence, which eastern just looks different and to us it has that magical feel to it absent in western.
and that's why it's important this suggestion i am giving should become a reality, because it gives people a choice to browse what they find
the most appealing. While they can with tags such as kemono or japanese_text, but not 100% effective, which this system could easily fix. Some folks are just not a fan
of western art especially if you're someone who doesnt come from a furry background and are more oriented to anime so naturally we'd be
clinging exclusively to non-western, and we too deserve attention and have a eastern only browsing experience for e621. Just as Gelbooru
for example works for us, 100% eastern, no western influence, that magic of eastern style is very valuable, if gelbooru were to accept
western art as default the site would fall flat on its face pretty quickly, no offense to western art just using that as an example, and
e621 has enough eastern art into that it can have its own eastern only browsing experience with the system i described.

e621 is the most popular site for anthro images, there doesn't seem to be any special sites that primarily focus on eastern anthros, and if they
do exist then they're just not doing as good and e621 still has more eastern stuff in it, which is more reasons as to why adding this system is a good idea, it would
instantly satisfy that large chunk of individuals seeking eastern anthros. We may be seen as strange outsiders in the eyes of furries, but we do also deserve our fair share
of paws!

Updated by anonymous

Just because art is from the east doesn't inherently make it kemono. Kemono is a specific style(s) of furry art originating from the east but that doesn't make every single piece of art from Japan, Korea, China, etc kemono by default.

I agree that kemono needs an overhaul, in that it needs to be properly tagged better, but that doesn't mean it should apply to EVERY piece of eastern content.

Updated by anonymous

memedude said:
There's a lot of people out there including myself who come to this site exclusively for non-western furry art whom we may not technically be furries in the sense of having fursona and other things, just people who simply adore anthropomorphic animals

A lot of us are just here for the art. Kemono fans do not hold the monopoly on this...

and our voices should be heard regarding suggestions for this site,

I was not aware of any systematic oppression of kemono fans... Maybe kemono fans should post suggestions if they have suggestions?

as it stands right now typing Kemono or Japanese_text seems to do the trick, but it could be much better, MUCH BETTER.

Oh good, let's hear these ideas! Maybe we'll have something revolutionary and exciting :D

Kemono simply is Japanese version of furries,

*nods agreeably*

which means the art style is vastly different from western furries,

Wait what? No really, what?

Have you not been around for the last few decades?

See, there's this thing called the internet which has allowed us to interact with people far far away and there's been a whole lot of "cultural cross contamination" over the years.

which does attract a large audience outside of the furry fandom. The inclusion of such a tag is very helpful, however it's something that a poster has to manually tag in order for said image to show up once searching,

That is how most tags work, yes.

which means there's a huge chunk of non-western art that wasn't tagged under the Kemono Tag since they didn't tag it that COULD BE showing up.

This is the problem with tags, yes.

What i am suggesting is, the kemono tag should be automatically tagged for japanese artists without the poster having to tag it, similar to how if someone were to to post an image of an artist they shouldn't, it would automatically tag as ''conditional_dnp'', so it's possible.

Wait what.

So, a huge list of japanese artist should be added to that autotag system, such as kishibe, kame_3, akitaka, wkar, youki and many more hundreds, and it should also tag older photos that were posted of that artist and so the kemono tag will have a large number of images added to it and future ones will be far more frequent

So you are wanting... all... japanese artists tagged with kemono.


post #1409385 - skarltano, who is from Hong Kong, is excluded.
post #1504964 - kaizeru_(artist), who is from Malaysia, is excluded.


post #1503930 post #1503898 - These get tagged "kemono" because Hyanna-Natusu is from Japan. Except she isn't! She's a western artist who likes drawing in a Japanese style. But the only reason I know this is because I dug around until I found a reference to her commission info, at one point, being available in Portuguese.
post #1468872 - seuga's image, is also tagged Kemono, because he's from Japan.
post #1468864 post #1468832 - asukaziye's work also.

Let's look at some others..

post #1566447 post #1580686 post #1164009 post #1580269

All artists that seem to show a command of the japanese language.

and of course a lot of people seemed to tag kemono on western art which doesn't make sense, it should be removed.

You seem to think this problem would get BETTER ... Have I got news for you.

Also... no uploads, no comments, forum posts only here in this thread, and not even one single tag edit.

I guess that means you expect someone else to devote hours and hours of their time to vetting the nationality of artists?

And in doing so the kemono tag will be extremely useful since it can also pretty much be used as a magic tag for a japanese version of e621, which is a huge win win for everyone.

Actually it'll become a huge honking mess. A huge honking mess that requires a TON of work.

Implications are added--that's when things like "conditional_DNP" are automatically added-- when 99.9% of posts with that tag will match the other tag. ALL wolves are canines. All canines are mammals. Not all foxes have red_fur.


Some japanese artist may not draw the most anime ish looking anthros, but in essence when it comes from a Japanese artists its simply
more appealing to a lot of people, it has that magical feeling to it only the japanese can do.

This is some racist bullshit, thanks.

Just as Gelbooru for example works for us, 100% eastern, no western influence, that magic of eastern style is very valuable, if gelbooru were to accept
western art as default the site would fall flat on its face pretty quickly, no offense to western art just using that as an example,

"No offense, but it'd fail instantly" -- I can see how there's no offense meant.

e621 has enough eastern art into that it can have its own eastern only browsing experience with the system i described.

e621 is the most popular site for anthro images, there doesn't seem to be any special sites that primarily focus on eastern anthros, and if they
do exist then they're just not doing as good and e621 still has more eastern stuff in it, which is more reasons as to why adding this system is a good idea, it would
instantly satisfy that large chunk of individuals seeking eastern anthros. We may be seen as strange outsiders in the eyes of furries, but we do also deserve our fair share of paws!

I got another idea.

You could go start your own magical booru that only accept kemono art, so you can have that magical essence and magical eastern feel that our soulless western art doesn't have.


Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

The same argument is often made about JRPGs: if it's not made in Japan, it can't be a JRPG. But if you need to check the artists' nationality to figure out if something counts as JRPG, then that's worthless as a genre descriptor. Which is why most places use it to refer to games made in a certain style, regardless of the origin.

The kemono tag should be the exact same way. Tag by what can be seen, instead of doing background checks.

Posts by western artists have occasionally been tagged as kemono because of the style, such as some of mfanjul's works. But those tend to get mass-untagged by users who think that kemono should be strictly for Japanese art. That definitely irks me. If it looks like kemono, it should be tagged as such.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
The same argument is often made about JRPGs: if it's not made in Japan, it can't be a JRPG. But if you need to check the artists' nationality to figure out if something counts as JRPG, then that's worthless as a genre descriptor. Which is why most places use it to refer to games made in a certain style, regardless of the origin.

The kemono tag should be the exact same way. Tag by what can be seen, instead of doing background checks.

Posts by western artists have occasionally been tagged as kemono because of the style, such as some of mfanjul's works. But those tend to get mass-untagged by users who think that kemono should be strictly for Japanese art. That definitely irks me. If it looks like kemono, it should be tagged as such.

Don't forget the sites that simply use it as a synonym for anthro!

Updated by anonymous

Random said:
Don't forget the sites that simply use it as a synonym for anthro!

I mean, it "kinda" is, but that's not how western audiences seem to have adopted it, as far as I can tell. If we were to consider a scale like post #300513:

post #300513

The western interpretation of kemono seems to sit somewhere from 3 to 6, with kemonomimi at 2 to 3.

But whatever. I don't really know how to describe the "manga" look befitting kemono, in purely objective terms. I think the wiki guidance for kemono does a reasonable job, though, and if nothing else folks can look at the existing tagged images for the subjective elements of style.

Updated by anonymous

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