Topic: Tag Alias: human_to_anthro -> human_on_anthro

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

214365 said:
Aliasing human_to_anthro → human_on_anthro
Link to alias


Synonymous; alias is better English and well established

I don't believe those are synonymous, though, although I'd understand it being confusing; took me a minute to process too! human_to_anthro involves one person at minimum, but human_on_anthro involves two at minimum. Additionally, we could see a non-sexual instance of human_to_anthro, but human_on_anthro is by definition sexual

Updated by anonymous

rezi said:
I don't believe those are synonymous, though, although I'd understand it being confusing; took me a minute to process too! human_to_anthro involves one person at minimum, but human_on_anthro involves two at minimum. Additionally, we could see a non-sexual instance of human_to_anthro, but human_on_anthro is by definition sexual

Wouldn't it be easier to say human_to_anthro sounds like transformation images while human_on_anthro is clearly relations related?

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
Wouldn't it be easier to say human_to_anthro sounds like transformation images while human_on_anthro is clearly relations related?

Probably, yeah, that sounds simpler. I'm not the most elegant writer :P

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Um, those are new transformation subtags. Human_to_anthro: human transforming to anthro. Just like it says in the wiki.

Human_on_anthro is also explained in the wiki. It's for interspecies sex, and unrelated to human_to_anthro.

Updated by anonymous

rezi said:
Probably, yeah, that sounds simpler. I'm not the most elegant writer :P

I wouldn't say there was a lack of elegance, but rather too much. Sometimes it's best just to get to the point.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
I wouldn't say there was a lack of elegance, but rather too much. Sometimes it's best just to get to the point.

Duly noted, thanks. I'll keep it in mind for the future

Updated by anonymous

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