I've tried both the IQDB/Harry.lu search to see if it's here on E6, which gave no results nor were any of the similar results a match, as well as my preferred reverse image search TinEye (best one I know of/have access to, feel free to let me know if there are better ones), which also didn't bring up any results.
The signature in the images, of which I have two samples is too small for me to recognize, but they're dated very recently. Can anyone recognize the signature or the artist's style, or possible matches? Both are NSFW and apart from the fact that I think it's....an anthrofied gummy bear? There's no objectionable fetishes present (unless perhaps if you don't like goo characters, it's similar to that..)
http://puu.sh/px1cm/d5c79ebd65.png And http://puu.sh/px13x/47c0125d8e.png
EDIT: Also, while I'm here I suppose. What would be the most appropriate way to check if an image was uploaded to e621 before, but presumably deleted? Another image that belongs to a friend of mine, which I KNOW was on here before, doesn't show up under their character's tags or with IQDB so I'm wondering if/why it got taken down.