Topic: Blacklisting downvoted posts

Posted under General

Is there a way to blacklist posts that you have downvoted? I have tried putting in voteddown:mighyenta in the blacklist, but it doesn't work.

Updated by Neitsuke

Are you doing it all on one line? IE
Something Something_Else ?

If so, do

Updated by anonymous

voteddown doesn't appear to work in general. voteddown:Mighyenta pulls up the same results as voteddown:Jackalfag on my end.

Updated by anonymous

Jackalfag said:
voteddown doesn't appear to work in general. voteddown:Mighyenta pulls up the same results as voteddown:Jackalfag on my end.

It worked for me... Maybe if has to be specific to capital letters?

Updated by anonymous

Jackalfag said:
voteddown doesn't appear to work in general. voteddown:Mighyenta pulls up the same results as voteddown:Jackalfag on my end.

I think that's working as intended. Votes are private; you can't search for what another user has voted down, only for what you have voted down yourself.

Updated by anonymous

A while ago I tried to blacklist posts that I have upvoted (to avoid seeing posts twice). It doesn't work. Many metatags don't work in one way or another because they need to have code written to handle them.

Updated by anonymous

Maxpizzle said:
I think that's working as intended. Votes are private; you can't search for what another user has voted down, only for what you have voted down yourself.

no? they are or at least used to be searchable for everyone

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
no? they are or at least used to be searchable for everyone

They were made private a couple of months ago.

Updated by anonymous

According to this post from @KiraNoot, votedup & voteddown aren't implemented

Updated by anonymous

The right tags should be voteup and votedown, without the big D. No idea if it works for blacklist but I always searched my own upvotes that way when needed and it always worked.

Oh actually, both the D or without works, so I may have posted that for absolutely nothing

Updated by anonymous

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