Topic: Is it okay to post my own Art

Posted under Art Talk

I'm an Artist and I wanna know if it's okay to post my own Artwork here

I know the majority craves the SEXY but I'm new to drawing Furry porn. My drawings are getting better but ALL of my drawings are still considered safe

They aren'T the "best" drawings in the world but I is it okay if I upload what I got?

Updated by null0010

Link us an image to see. If somebody tries to upload it themselves before you can, submit a takedown on them.

Updated by anonymous

Tranquil_Bunny said:
I'm an Artist and I wanna know if it's okay to post my own Artwork here

Yup, that it is. Every submission is subject to moderator approval though, and there's a limit to how many images you can submit in a given time. The mods here are usually pretty quick to decide whether or not the submissions meet with their standards of approval, and depending on your reputation on the site, your limit may go up or down.

Updated by anonymous

I'd be careful what you upload... Even is your art is rating:s, people aren't too kind to beginner artists... I should know.

I would recommend scanned artwork over photographed artwork if you do all of of your art with traditional media, and if you do your art with a computer/tablet, make sure the picture is at least 1500x1500 px.

Otherwise, I think we'd love to see your artwork!

Updated by anonymous

Huh, I don't know why I didn't comment on this earlier, but:

Yes, uploading artwork is ok here. I will specify this, though: read the wiki , with specific attention to the articles tagging help , tagging guidelines , and uploading guidelines , and minor emphasis on the avoid posting list , in case your images may fall under the minimum quality standard or if they are irrelevant to site, both of which gets the image deleted (with emphasis on in case).

As stated above, you may wish to link an image for preview, or your drawing account. Moderator approval is based around their idea of quality and/or relevance to site; that is why you should show it here first. We users, and admins, can judge if the image would be accepted here, and save you the annoyance should your image be denied.

My last tip is to get acquainted with the Chatroom . The forums are a good place for asking/answering questions, but you can get mixed responses; the chatroom almost always has an admin on, and a fair amount of helpful users that can answer questions you may have.

Other than that, I bid you good luck.

Updated by anonymous

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