Topic: What happened to Murcat?

Posted under General

While looking for images to upload, I noticed that there was an artist who had art very similar to Murcat material, pastelcore. I decided to do some investigating and found that all of murcat's galleries were deleted without notice, with no redirects toward a new account.

Is this the same artist as pastelcore? Or do they just have a very similar style? In any case, anyone know what prompted Murcat to delete all their official galleries?

Updated by Crispix

Just took a look in their new gallery. They have this auction up for their old murcat character:
...including like 200+ pieces of art of the character.

She's citing painful memories as the auction reason, and she has some journals on that account talking about suicidal thoughts, not wanting to hurt the one she loves, etc.

I'm going to go ahead and guess "messy breakup, and wants to delete all evidence of the relationship" as the reason for all this, and probably her character was in a canon relationship with her now-ex's character or something like that.

Also probably a good idea to save what you want of her art off e621 in case the gallery deletion train ends up rolling through here too.

Updated by anonymous

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