Now, I always thought the relevant term here was square_crossover, but that's actually implicated by selfcest so it can't be what I mean here.
What I mean is when one character is paired with themselves, but specifically, another version of themselves.
A couple of examples:
And these aren't technically selfcest, since Pokemon are treated as a species rather than characters (a treatment I consider appropriate), but this is similar enough to warrant mentioning:
The gist of this is that a character is paired with themselves, but not the same form.
As it is, it seems like there's no way to distinguish that sort of art from the other form of selfcest:
Wherein a character is paired with an identical or near-identical version of themselves.
So yeah. I'm sort of curious if there is a tag I don't know about, or if not, if it would be worth creating one. It is something that I would search for, but I don't know if anyone else cares about the distinction.
Updated by treos