The new rules (I know this is 12 days ago, but I didn't notice until today been kinda busy lately)
State this:
1) Any record for a suspension will be turned into a negative record after 6 months of no new infractions
2) Any negative record will be turned into a neutral record after 6 months of no new infractions
3) Any neutral record will be removed after 6 months of no new infractions
Is this starting 12 days ago, or starting when the records were handed out?
For example, personally I have 2 negative records. Both for being rude to/attacking artists. I really won't get into it, because the record is already there for those curious. But either way:
Both those records are 2-2 years old.
This means the 6th month dates have passed 6 times already.
So if it started when the ban started, and not 12 days ago. Shouldn't both these records be removed from my account?
I'm just a little bit confused about the rule change, can someone clarify?
Updated by NotMeNotYou