Topic: Tag Alias: semi-feral -> semi-anthro

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

ah, my favorite tag getting an update. please alias the underscored suggestions as noted above so I never have to think about them ever again.

Updated by anonymous

+1 for sensibility and also in keeping with tag conventions, maybe alias everything to semi_anthro with an underscore

Updated by anonymous

Snergal said:
+1 for sensibility and also in keeping with tag conventions, maybe alias everything to semi_anthro with an underscore

Semi is a modifying prefix, not separate word. In this case, it is more appropriate to keep the hyphen.

Updated by anonymous

Is the cup half full or half empty?

+ 1 for aliasing ether one to the other in the OP or aliasing both, to semiferal or semianthro .

Siral_Exan said:
Semi is a modifying prefix, not separate word. In this case, it is more appropriate to keep the hyphen.

monobrow / unibrow

they all have modifying prefixes but they are all properly written without dashes

By in large, pretty much all prefixed tags that have great usage are ether compact or underscored, semi-anthro is the only prefixed tag in any significant usage that has a dash.

Updated by anonymous

Oh boy, this again! You’ve discovered root words, but *anthro* is not a root. It is a prefix, particularly of anthropomorphic, and you don’t combine prefixes together without a hyphen.

Unless you’re talking medicine, but I took that class and it wasn’t fun. Even the teacher agreed on the deceptive difficulty.

Furthermore, you don’t combine two vowels from separate terms together, speaking “semianthro” is inappropriate. Hyphen indicates the break. To quote from your site, “Rule 5. Never hesitate to add a hyphen if it solves a possible problem...”

But please, do lecture me. I didn’t read dictionaries, a thesaurus, and old literatures for nothing.

Long story short: semi-anthro is appropriate if we do not want to delve into transformative prefixes, if we wish to abide by the speech argument, and if we are willing to follow what others can accept with little room for translation error.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Oh boy, this again! You’ve discovered root words, but *anthro* is not a root. It is a prefix, particularly of anthropomorphic, and you don’t combine prefixes together without a hyphen.

Unless you’re talking medicine, but I took that class and it wasn’t fun. Even the teacher agreed on the deceptive difficulty.

Furthermore, you don’t combine two vowels from separate terms together, speaking “semianthro” is inappropriate. Hyphen indicates the break. To quote from your site, “Rule 5. Never hesitate to add a hyphen if it solves a possible problem...”

But please, do lecture me. I didn’t read dictionaries, a thesaurus, and old literatures for nothing.

Long story short: semi-anthro is appropriate if we do not want to delve into transformative prefixes, if we wish to abide by the speech argument, and if we are willing to follow what others can accept with little room for translation error.

"anthro" in of it self is not a prefix Siral, it is a shortened term of its own right for words that do have the prefix "Anthropo-"

Also if you are not able to respond to comments without inserting your sarcasm or passive-aggressive complaining then you should just not talk here.
It is pointless and stupid on a online platform were academic background cant and shouldn't have to be proven to be able communicate.

Updated by anonymous

Darou said:
"anthro" in of it self is not a prefix Siral, it is a shortened term of its own right for words that do have the prefix "Anthropo-"

Are we really splitting hairs now?

Also if you are not able to respond to comments without inserting your sarcasm or passive-aggressive complaining then you should just not talk here. It is pointless and stupid on a online platform were academic background cant and shouldn't have to be proven to be able communicate.

If you aren’t going to bring a counter argument, don’t say I’m in the wrong. I literally took a class, medical terminology, and I know I have more experience than you. Unless you refute that with evidence, I am just as correct as anyone else here. And I’d humor the philosophy of the internet, but since so many others are using their experiences, I’m allowed to use mine.

*edited grammar, I didn’t mean to say “with you”*

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Are we really splitting hairs now?

If you aren’t going to bring a counter argument, don’t say I’m in the wrong. I literally took a class, medical terminology, and I know I have more experience with you. Unless you refute that with evidence, I am just as correct as anyone else here.

Are you really that certain, you do not know me siral, you do not know my life outside of this forum. Again it is pointless stating your academic background, anyone can lie that they have taken class in medicine or anything else or have gotten a doctorate and what not.

And i did provide my counter argument in which you responded with a copout, "splitting hairs" by the way is picking dashes or underscores for tags on a online imageboard if anything, not the clarification of difference between the term and the actual prefix of the words that the term refers to.

Updated by anonymous

Darou said:
Are you really that certain, you do not know me siral, you do not know my life outside of this forum. Again it is pointless stating your academic background, anyone can lie that they have taken class in medicine or anything else or have gotten a doctorate and what not.

And i did provide my counter argument in which you responded with a copout, "splitting hairs" by the way is picking dashes or underscores for tags on a online imageboard if anything, not the clarification of difference between the term and the actual prefix of the words that the term reffer to.

Are you going to provide only vagueness now, or are you going to actually post a cohesive point on this thread?

I can prove myself right (why are these links broken for me? turns out iPhone is using altered quotation marks) and I don’t need to care about you, Ruku. My academic background is correct.

You aren’t countering an argument with the equivalent of pussy-footing around the topic. You could be as invested as the rest of us if you wish, though.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Are you going to provide only vagueness now, or are you going to actually pale a cohesive point on this thread?

“I can prove myself right”: (why are these links broken for me?) and I don’t need to care about you, Ruku. My academic background is correct.

You aren’t countering an argument with the equivalent of pussy-footing around the topic. You could be as invested as the rest of us if you wish, though.

A photo or screencap can simply be taken off from the internet from were ever
It does not mean it it is actually taken by you.
I could of cource upload actual taken cellphone photos of the art history books i have, but it wouldnt be proof and i am not interested in proving academic superiority. Also siral you do apparently care sense you are keep referring to your perceived superiority without actually addressing the subject.

And i am very much am invested in this, certainly more then you. I dont need to fall back to sarcasm or petty excuses like you are doing right now siral.

calling my counter argument "splitting hairs" is not being invested in the discussion.

Updated by anonymous

Darou said:
A photo or screencap can simply be taken off from the internet from were ever
It does not mean it it is actually taken by you.
I could of cource upload actual taken cellphone photos of the art history books i have, but it wouldnt be proof and i am not interested in proving academic superiority.

Oh boy, pessimism. Did you miss the Discord channel I intentionally opened to prove that both this source and the PC belongs to a “Siral”? And, I’m the only person whom ever uses that name...

Also siral you do apparently care sense you are keep referring to your perceived superiority without actually addressing the subject.

I don’t care about you. Be thankful, as that’s usually the opposite.

And i am very much am invested in this, certainly more then you. I dont need to fall back to sarcasm or petty excuses like you are doing right now siral.

calling my counter argument "splitting hairs" is not being invested in the discussion.

At this point, I realized that I am arguing with someone I loathe, and if you want to: we could agree to disagree, leave each other’s asses alone so we won’t be at our other’s throats all damn day long, and quite possibly do something much more productive.

Neither of us will gain from this argument, or any argument ever. We’re literally just gonna throw everything and the kitchen sink at ourself until one of us logs off or until an admin arrives. Let’s stop this argument (and preferably any argument) and walk away from it, lest we be at it forever...

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:

Oh boy, pessimism. Did you miss the Discord channel I intentionally opened to prove that both this source and the PC belongs to a “Siral”? And, I’m the only person whom ever uses that name...

I don’t care about you. Be thankful, as that’s usually the opposite.

At this point, I realized that I am arguing with someone I loathe, and if you want to: we could agree to disagree, leave each other’s asses alone so we won’t be at our other’s throats all damn day long, and quite possibly do something much more productive.

Neither of us will gain from this argument, or any argument ever. We’re literally just gonna throw everything and the kitchen sink at ourself until one of us logs off or until an admin arrives. Let’s stop this argument (and preferably any argument) and walk away from it, lest we be at it forever...

Im not pessimistic, screencaps just arnt really proof, but I do admit i didnt notice the siral in that screencap thou i wouldnt be surprised if there is more then one person who uses the name not that that nesecarilly applies here. I certainly know more then one person or character who uses the name darou.

I am surprized that you first notice that know considering you always been targeting me with sarcasm and a superiority complex from the get go, instead of just being plain old constructive. we can all disagree, that is fine...

Updated by anonymous

Why are we bustin out credentials to discuss a made up word for cartoon animals on a furry spank bank.

Updated by anonymous

regsmutt said:
Why are we bustin out credentials to discuss a made up word for cartoon animals on a furry spank bank.

Because I disputed the advise Siral gave on grammer correctness as being incorrect and not in line with usage on e621 and they basicly in short came back at it being impossible for me to dispute because they imply they got superior education and experience, without actually knowing each other's background outside of this forum. That's my view at least.

Updated by anonymous

regsmutt said:
Why are we bustin out credentials to discuss a made up word for cartoon animals on a furry spank bank.

i wonder about the type of person who thinks a cheap textbook qualifies as "credentials" even by the lax standards of said furry spank bank.

i also notice the credentialist actively uses Discord, which i believe speaks more about their personality than anything else.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I wonder what being on topic feels like.

Updated by anonymous

+1 on aliasing all the terms mentioned by Idem to semi-anthro (and not 'semi_anthro', which would be a anthropomorphic semi-trailer, AFAICS.)

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
(and not 'semi_anthro', which would be a anthropomorphic semi-trailer, AFAICS.)

Wouldn't that be anthro_semi?

I know you're joking. Don't flip out.[/sub][/sup]

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
+1 on aliasing all the terms mentioned by Idem to semi-anthro (and not 'semi_anthro', which would be a anthropomorphic semi-trailer, AFAICS.)

Possibly have semiferal and semianthro be aliased also. I know there was discussion about which is correct, but having these, typos or not, would be usefull.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Wouldn't that be anthro_semi?

Either - it's a choice of emphasis. Semi[anthro], or anthro[semi]. In this case the latter would probably be chosen since it's easier to say.

Idem said:
Possibly have semiferal and semianthro be aliased also.



-1 on semiferal, semi-feral, semi_anthro, and semianthro
+1 on semi_feral -> semi-anthro (semi_feral has 10 posts)

I went and checked the post counts for the various terms. All of the items I am -1 on have a post count lower than 10, and so should be manually fixed.

Updated by anonymous

Just because there's not a lot of posts on an alternate spelling doesn't mean we can't make the alias anyway, especially with all the fiddly dash versus underscore variants of a popular tag like this, to prevent the constant maintenance effort required to keep posts from getting lost in the future.

Updated by anonymous

Snergal said:
Just because there's not a lot of posts on an alternate spelling doesn't mean we can't make the alias anyway, especially with all the fiddly dash versus underscore variants of a popular tag like this, to prevent the constant maintenance effort required to keep posts from getting lost in the future.

That's perfectly true, but I expect you will find some admins -- Ratte for example, and IIRC parasprite -- do not agree with the practice of adding 'light-duty' aliases (which impose their own maintenance cost) to the system.

The figure of 100 posts with a given tag has previously been suggested as a guideline for when an alias is worth having.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
The figure of 100 posts with a given tag has previously been suggested as a guideline for when an alias is worth having.

I'd enjoy tag implication/alias paradise, or hell as some people might see it, but I don't maintain them.

Thanks for the info about the guideline. I got the impression any common typo might be good from the femael alias.

Updated by anonymous

The reason for having different tags is so that semi-anthro can represent things that are mostly feral, but with some anthro influences; while semi-feral can be for things that are mostly anthro, but with some feral influences. As indicated by the wiki I gave the latter tag.

jacob said:
The reason for having different tags is so that semi-anthro can represent things that are mostly feral, but with some anthro influences; while semi-feral can be for things that are mostly anthro, but with some feral influences. As indicated by the wiki I gave the latter tag.

The problem is that "mostly anthro" is still anthro, since anthropomorphization in general means giving human qualities to non-human things (technically speaking, this is anthro). However, in furry circles and thus this site, being "anthro" has a subjectively higher bar, typically depending on bipedalism and opposable thumbs (though not always, see monkeys and kangaroos). Semi-anthro is used when you can't clearly determine if a character should be tagged feral or anthro.

If you want semi-feral to mean something else unrelated to this feral/anthro uncertainty, it probably should be a different name that wouldn't be confused for semi-anthro (I wouldn't be surprised if I used semi-feral a few times on accident after learning of the semi-anthro tag).

watsit said:
If you want semi-feral to mean something else unrelated to this feral/anthro uncertainty, it probably should be a different name that wouldn't be confused for semi-anthro (I wouldn't be surprised if I used semi-feral a few times on accident after learning of the semi-anthro tag).

I DON'T want it to mean something different. I want them to be used to measure degrees. They're both for when something has signs of both anthro and feral while not quite being wholly one or the other, it's just that semi-anthro is for when it's mostly feral (such as any Friendship is Magic fanart where the characters stand upright, but have no tiddies, hands, feet...anything else at all that's anthro-like, except standing upright), whereas semi-feral is for when it's mostly anthro (like in this picture where the only things feral about them are the paws instead of hands, and the fact they DON'T stand upright).

jacob said:
I DON'T want it to mean something different. I want them to be used to measure degrees. They're both for when something has signs of both anthro and feral while not quite being wholly one or the other

That's not what semi-anthro is:

semi-anthro wiki:
A rather ambiguous style between animal-form and anthro-form...
Note that this is a supplementary tag used to indicate the grey area between anthro and feral, not a wholly separate category.

Functionally, there is no form in-between anthro or feral, but because the distinction is vague and subjective, they're separated by a blurry line. The whole point of the semi-anthro tag is you don't know whether it's more on the feral side or more on the anthro side. It's the blurry grey area in-between feral and anthro, being unclear which side better applies, and it sounds like you're trying to further divide it given which side better applies.

watsit said:
A rather ambiguous style between animal-form and anthro-form...
Note that this is a supplementary tag used to indicate the grey area between anthro and feral, not a wholly separate category.

That might be what the wiki says, but that's not how the semi-anthro tag is actually used. At least a good 90% of posts that get tagged with it these days, are for what I was describing, where it's "mostly feral, but also just a little bit anthro." I feel the semi-anthro tag's wiki should just be updated to reflect how it's used nowadays, marking it up to an evolution of the tag through change in how users apply it.

jacob said:
That might be what the wiki says, but that's not how the semi-anthro tag is actually used. At least a good 90% of posts that get tagged with it these days, are for what I was describing, where it's "mostly feral, but also just a little bit anthro." I feel the semi-anthro tag's wiki should just be updated to reflect how it's used nowadays, marking it up to an evolution of the tag through change in how users apply it.

As I and the wiki said, it's the grey area between feral and anthro forms. Those would apply by its definition, so it's being used correctly and I don't see what would need changing to reflect its use.

watsit said:
...and I don't see what would need changing to reflect its use.

Simple: There's tons of stuff that gets uploaded, which fits into the gray area between feral and anthro, but because it appears more anthro than feral, nobody tags it semi-anthro because, again, that's not how it's used by the majority of users, any more. Not in my experience, at least.

jacob said:
Simple: There's tons of stuff that gets uploaded, which fits into the gray area between feral and anthro, but because it appears more anthro than feral, nobody tags it semi-anthro because, again, that's not how it's used by the majority of users, any more. Not in my experience, at least.

I wonder how much of that is because people simply consider such characters anthro, or they're unaware of the semi-anthro tag. Like I said, there functionally is no form in between anthro and feral, so (ignoring human/humanoid) a character is either anthro or feral, and semi-anthro is used when it's unclear which it more closely is. You can't divide semi-anthro when it's functionally indivisible. To do so, you'd need to define a distinct form_x that's in-between feral and anthro, then define semi-anthro to be the blurry area between feral and form_x, and semi-feral to be the blurry area between anthro and form_x.

watsit said:
I wonder how much of that is because people simply consider such characters anthro

I've always believed this was the conflict behind the old female charr argument. Because such characters walk upright and perform human-level tasks they're often treated as fully anthropomorphic when that's not the case. There's further problems from there regarding how to tell whether a close-to-anthro semi-anthro species has been fully anthrofied or not but that's another matter.

But I agree the reasons for undertagging of semi-anthro are likely closer to it being an extra layer of thought that will only be applied by taggers who are already thinking about character form as more than a feral/anthro binary toggle; most people are going to see a mostly-anthro figure, say "yep that's anthro" and move right on to whatever the next consideration is.

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