Topic: We need a different way for the system to retag certain tags...

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The system works pretty well, but honesty I've been considering this for a while now.
The system changes sexuality tags to their corresponding tags but a lot of people, usually newcomers, tag using the older tags they are familiar with (gay instead of male/male, lesbian instead of female/female, etc). I've noticed that many times when this happens they either a) get confused and try to change it which fails, or b) either don't notice or care and leave it causing the post to become erroneously tagged until someone like me comes along and changes it.

Maybe it's time a new set of tags that could, I don't know, at least attempt to point out the issue?
For example (cuz I know how to find this one the easiest ill use it as an example) gay is changed to male/male.... maybe sexuality tags, gay, lesbian, bi, etc, should get their own tag like "incorrect_tag_(sexuality)" or something? Which would alert the poster (if they actually cared) and others (tagger users) that hey, the sexuality tags aren't correct and it changed it to this which may just be wrong!

I figured I'd toss this idea out there and see what others think, don't expect much in response from me since I've been in pretty bad health for a while now. (Which is why I'm tossing the idea out there, when I decide to try to clean up a little bit on e621 these days I can't do more than a handful of tags or a half hour of searching for issues to solve/report because my health won't let me do like I used to. The gay ones the easiest for me to find issues with, I just type in gay solo and look for images with a single character, no peener in the image, no other smaller images (such as a pc, painting or cellphone screen). Lots of times it's a single character, in an exposing posture or dressing girly, or has cum splattered all over his bottom, New uploader sees these things and automatically tags it as gay, which gets changed to male/male.)

Anyway I gotta go rest now... hopefully this doesn't turn into a shit storm like the last couple forums I've posted lol.

Updated by kamimatsu

Agreed that we need better flagging of the fact that this has happened.

Not in favor of incorrect_tag_(sexuality) because it still requires the user to look for the tag
(and it may additionally require changes to the site code, since I'm not sure that we can make implications from a tag that is also aliased away)

We could present the changes obviously to the user. That is, after uploading or editing, show a popup that notifies you "The following aliases were applied:". Items being, for example, 'gay -> male/male'. In this case, they would have to actually make an effort to not see that an alias was applied.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
We could present the changes obviously to the user. That is, after uploading or editing, show a popup that notifies you "The following aliases were applied:". Items being, for example, 'gay -> male/male'. In this case, they would have to actually make an effort to not see that an alias was applied.

That would get a bit annoying if you're making lots of tag edits and seeing that popup constantly popping up. If implemented, there should be a way to disable it.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
That would get a bit annoying if you're making lots of tag edits and seeing that popup constantly popping up. If implemented, there should be a way to disable it.

I considered the idea of a blacklist type mechanism. I think it would partially be practical (the other part being that certain aliases are mnemonic abbreviations, like m/m, and therefore are obvious enough that the system could globally omit them from the notifications).

Don't agree with being able to totally disable it.

EDIT: An alternative way to avoid being annoying would be to track # of times that a given notification has been shown, and cut it off after a certain point. If the code purged the lowest-count items when it needed more room (in the cookie -- maximum 4k; probably JSON format), you could do all the bookkeeping client-side.
In such a system you could have an option to tune the threshold used.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

BlueDingo said:
That would get a bit annoying if you're making lots of tag edits and seeing that popup constantly popping up.

Yeah, especially in case of common shortcuts such as bvats.

Personally, I'm still using gay as the shortcut for male/male, instead of m/m. Regional keyboard: slash requires a key combo, and is slow to type. So no support for moving those to 'incorrect_tag' or somesuch.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Just conversationally, people using 'gay' for 'gay-interest-images' has existed for about as long as I've been on the website. It *seems* to be less frequent these days, but I could totally be wrong.

I think my favorite/most used 'alias shortcut' is mlp

Also, Esme, I hope you feel better soon!

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Just conversationally, people using 'gay' for 'gay-interest-images' has existed for about as long as I've been on the website. It *seems* to be less frequent these days, but I could totally be wrong.

I think my favorite/most used 'alias shortcut' is mlp

Also, Esme, I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks, and yes I tend to use the older tags too simply cuz it's faster to type in if my browser doesn't save the longhand fill-in for the search bar.
Lost of people tag it that way because the characters probably gay or lesbian and whatnot and they don't realize that on e621 it's not used that way.
Since I'm very old fashioned, very paranoid about using apps and plug-in and atm I'm pretty much permanently stuck on an Amazon kindle fire hd tablet (which sucks mind you) I couldn't even use those fancy tagging stuff even if I knew how or wanted to use it.
Buuut, as ratte can attest, probably 90% of my reports to the staff are for tagging stuff (of which I only report after repeated issues of the same type.
So... there's gotta be some way of pointing the posts out cuz I guarantee you that each time I search my way of finding them there is at the very least 1 post tagged incorrectly. The worst is when really old posts get retagged because someone thinks it's correct, posts that are from the beginning of e621 history type of situations. The posts are so old barely anyone would notice the problem due to limited visits to said posts. Now for the male/male tag when combined with solo there aren't many, only 2 pages worth about... but take away solo, or change the male/male tag to one of the others and yikes and lots of them, the newer users, don't use solo when it's correct. Solo in itself is confusing too, see a peenor? Is it truly solo? I mean it's got to belong to someone right??? But that is a different discussion.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Esme_Belles said:
Solo in itself is confusing too, see a peenor? Is it truly solo? I mean it's got to belong to someone right??? But that is a different discussion.

Disembodied penis plus an another character? Not solo, and clear enough that it's not worth a discussion. (It's the first thing mentioned in the wiki).

But even some high-ranking users occasionally get those wrong, probably while tag-scripting from thumbnails: it's difficult to notice disembodied penises in those, and misclicks also sometimes happen if you tag something by thousands.

Male/male has over 100000 posts. With such a volume, I suspects that occasional mistags are unavoidable.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Disembodied penis plus an another character? Not solo, and clear enough that it's not worth a discussion. (It's the first thing mentioned in the wiki).

But even some high-ranking users occasionally get those wrong, probably while tag-scripting from thumbnails: it's difficult to notice disembodied penises in those, and misclicks also sometimes happen if you tag something by thousands.

Male/male has over 100000 posts. With such a volume, I suspects that occasional mistags are unavoidable.

Huh... I've seen so many images with a disembodied penis and a male having that tag that I guess I assumed it was correct... stupid me never looked at the wiki for solo lol.... thanks for teaching me something new!

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
That would get a bit annoying if you're making lots of tag edits and seeing that popup constantly popping up. If implemented, there should be a way to disable it.

what if it was just part of the green box that says the tags were updated. then no new box.

Updated by anonymous

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