Topic: Should sample pages of comics be considered commercial content/advertisement?

Posted under General

This is just something that I’ve been noticing ever since the mass deletion of comics ever since the updated rules concerning paysite/commercial content. A lot of comics, most being doujins, have only been posting sample pages, mainly with the intent on using them to advertise a paid product. With this in mind, I just wanted to throw the idea out there that perhaps these pages should be considered as either advertisements or fall under paysite/commercial content.

Updated by Chypre

As someone who has been handling these things lately, sample pages go trough exactly the same guidelines as everything else. That means that if you can access the sample pages without paying (which is kinda, duh as their point is to be freely distributed) they can't be considered to be paysite/commercial content.

As for advertisement, as long as the main focus is on the artwork, even sample pages are more than fine to be posted. That means that if it's actual page from comic and readable, it's more than fine to stay, but if the resolution goes so low that you can't even read it and there's watermarks and censors thrown over everything, maybe some URLs and prices put there as well, they may end up deteled as advertisement.

As description field is free to use even for advertising, I would strongy like the idea that those who are posting sample version are making it extremely clear they are just that. This way users aren't dissapointed that there's bunch of content missing and nobody tries to be helpful by posting non-sample pages or flag them as paid material.

Also one funny thing I have seen happen a lot, is that many artists sample pages have actually been of higher quality of pirated versions, so even if we still did allow old paid material, sample pages should've been replacing some of the posts here.

Updated by anonymous

I don't think they're that annoying or lowering the qualitiy of the site when they fulfill the stuff mentioned above.
Who knows, maybe a successfull ad leads to more free art as further promotion for an artist

Updated by anonymous

In some ways, anything posted on here that has the source linked and/or artist credited is advertisement in nature, as posting their pieces here gives those artists exposure and thus publicity. Unless it is blatant advertisement (as described above) then it does not need to be removed.

Updated by anonymous

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