Topic: Tag Alias: zoey -> zoey_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing zoey → zoey_(disambiguation)
Link to alias


Various zoey tags. 23 zoey_(* tags. (Plus other tags that start with zoey.)

(4 uploads tagged with plain zoey, which is currently a character tag.)

23 zoey_(* tags :
1) 51 zoey_(brushfire) character
2) 1 zoey_(character) character (make more specific?)
3) 1 zoey_(destijl) character
4) 30 zoey_(dirtyrenamon) character
5) 1 zoey_(donyakavetta) character
6) 1 zoey_(greenshade) character
7) 3 zoey_(iamaneaglet) character
8) 1 zoey_(konekowarrior) character
?) 1 zoey_(left4dead) general (upload deleted, but maybe alias to zoey_(left_4_dead) at some point; main copyright tag is left_4_dead_(series) which has 100 or 135 uploads)
9) 46 zoey_(left_4_dead) character
10) 6 zoey_(legendaryhuman) character
11) 1 zoey_(mastergodai) character
12) 11 zoey_(miu) character
13) 3 zoey_(molliemare) character
14) 1 zoey_(nekostar) character
?) 1 zoey_(pokemon) character (maybe alias to zoey_(pokémon) tag which is below)
15) 3 zoey_(pokémon) character
16) 8 zoey_(rudolph) character
17) 5 zoey_(selenophile) character
18) 3 zoey_(sherlykaru) character
19) 1 zoey_(slayermike471) character
20) 2 zoey_(splatterbunny) character
21) 1 zoey_(stomak) character
22) 1 zoey_(stratigicsubtly) character
23) 4 zoey_(thatcatzoey) character

Plus more at*&type=&order=name

EDIT: The tag alias zoey -> zoey_(disambiguation) (forum #255686) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

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