WARNING: I apologize in advance if I sound/am being confrontational. My past has developed me into a bit of an angry person in general, and while I try to control it, it's very difficult.
I will admit, I'm getting frustrated that my posts that I uploaded 25 days ago are receiving no attention (pool #15490 if you want to be the kind soul that finally chooses to approve or delete them), and that the 35-day deadline is fast approaching. I've seen this happen with other pictures that seem to be above the minimum acceptable quality, but get completely ignored. I want to ask: What prevents you from approving or deleting a post when you come across a "tricky" post? Do you even come across "tricky" posts? Do you turn off your blacklist when sorting through pending posts? Do you sort by oldest first? Do you only sort when you see it as you go about the site, or do you set aside time purely for sorting pending posts?
Updated by MyNameIsOver20charac