Are you more likely to upvote a post without favoriting it, or to favorite a post without upvoting it? (ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ
Posted under General
Are you more likely to upvote a post without favoriting it, or to favorite a post without upvoting it? (ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ
I keep my favourites private.
Upvote, no fav.
Updated by anonymous
I pretty much never fave without upvoting (unless I forget it, lol) because I use faves as a 'super upvote' for things I'd like to find again.
Updated by anonymous
Mayasein said:
Are you more likely to upvote a post without favoriting it, or to favorite a post without upvoting it? (ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ
95% of the time it's both. 5% upvote no fav
Updated by anonymous
I almost always favorite without upvoting. I rarely upvote.
Amusingly, when I do upvote, it's usually on an image that I'm not favoriting.
Updated by anonymous
I'm more likely to upvote without adding to favs.
Updated by anonymous
Upvote more than favorite. I prefer to be anonymous with most things I like.
Updated by anonymous
Usually both at the same time, which makes sense given that you'd appreciate something you want to have easy access to. Therefore, an upvote and a favorite usually go together. The only times I can imagine that wouldn't be the case, is if someone didn't put value in arbitrary voting systems or had no wish other than to browse the site and simply save anything they wanted to on their own system. Personally, I do this as well, for organisational purposes and in case it ever disappears. The only other reason to just vote on something without any further action might be because they wanted to be a part of something that was appreciated by the community as a whole (whether positive or negative), for the sake of leaving their mark.
Updated by anonymous
Every post I favorite gets an upvote, but I give some posts just an upvote for sorting purposes or to acknowledge an artist's ability.
Updated by anonymous
Looks like we're getting answers on both sides of the fence~ Some uses favoriting as like a 'super' upvote so they can find a post again, while some others upvote without favoriting so they can feel anonymous. And more reasons abound.
Keep it going!
Mayasein said:
Are you more likely to upvote a post without favoriting it, or to favorite a post without upvoting it? (ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ
—Feel free to share why if you'd like, or to discuss something in this thread you hadn't considered before.
Updated by anonymous
Upvote w/o fav for posts that are good in general. Lots and lots of these.
Upvote and fav when I really like the post and want to bookmark it.
I never fave without upvoting. Makes no sense for me. Fave as a super-upvote.
Updated by anonymous
I almost always favorite everything I upvote but will occasionally upvote without adding to my favorites.
Updated by anonymous
I upvote what I like, downvote artwork I think deserves it, and only favorite things that I want to see again later.
I really don't understand the "double upvoting" and "never downvote" mentalities at all. Most upvote/downvote systems aren't intended to be that complicated.
Updated by anonymous
People favorite more than they upvote.
Probably because upvote does nothing for them.
Updated by anonymous
Most of times I upvote instead of faving xd
Updated by anonymous
hsauq said:
Unless someone has added voteddown:* to their blacklist (which seems less convenient than simply using specific tags) or falls into the lowest common denominator of users and is searching/blacklisting by score, all downvoting seems to suggest is "Even though this work was intended for people with different preferences from myself, I feel the need to let people know that there's somebody out there that dislikes it!" That seems like only a step above whining about art in the comments section.I don't do either with my blacklist, so there's not much motivation to downvote.
Downvoting images you don't like (for any reason) and adding "-voteddown:whatever" to your search to remove them is more efficient than adding one "id:whatever" entry to your blacklist for each of those images, especially since blacklists have a hard limit of 3900 characters and only ~390 id:whatevers can fit in it. Not every image that gets through a well-built blacklist is a wanted one and some things just can't be blacklisted.
Unfortuately, voteddown doesn't work in blacklists yet.
Updated by anonymous
I upvote when I fav something, but don't always fav upvoted things.
Updated by anonymous
If you want to do what I do, use this script:
It automatically upvotes every image you favorite and makes the favorite button much larger and pinned to the side of the page.
Updated by anonymous
Sometimes I upvote but don't fave, if the art is good but I don't want to be associated with the subject.
Updated by anonymous
hsauq said:
[...]Unless someone has added voteddown:* to their blacklist[...]
I didn't know we had a votedown or voteup tag. And after testing it, wow, it works.
How fun~ Curious about the posts you've upvoted but not favorited, or vice versa? Try the following search strings:
Updated by anonymous
Mayasein said:
I didn't know we had a votedown: or voteup: tag. And after testing it, wow, it works.How fun~ Curious about the posts you've upvoted but not favorited, or vice versa? Try the following search strings:
Try this to find images you have not looked at:
You can use anything where me is, but me is short and descriptive.
Replace rating:e with the tags you want, such as a gender tag.
Updated by anonymous
Upvote is for things I think are well done (I suspect this is for a more specific definition of 'well done' than users who don't do art).
Fav is for things I like.
Downvote is for blatant stupidity.
So upvote without favorite.
Updated by anonymous
I think I've answered a question like this before here...
Normally, I upvote everything that I favorite unless I forget to. Rarely do I upvote without favoriting, or vice versa.
Added note: OP's avatar happened to be one of those rare instances, actually.
Updated by anonymous
I share behaviors with many others here, upvoting for quality and also favoriting without upvoting for images I'm attached to.
What's new to share is that I'd love a way to upvote quality from the mobile version of the site. I just found a bunch of favorites from a mobile spree that I really wanted to upvote but couldn't at the time.
On a tangent, from some testing I notice the fav: prefix doesn't work with the me modifier someone here showed me, so I'm gonna make a separate thread for that.
Edit: Apparently the me modifier isn't actually a thing. voteup:* returns posts your account has upvoted regardless of what you specify.
Updated by anonymous