Topic: How to tell what was hit by blacklist filters

Posted under General

Hi all! Wasn't sure where this should go, cuz it feels appropriate to many categories, so into general! ^^'

Ahem, okay first time post here, bear with me.

I was browsing around some comic pools and popular and stuff and occasionally I would see stuff that had the 'blacklisted' icon. Today in particular I saw one in popular that I hovered over and looked through the tags. Nothing jumped out at me, so I chanced a click on it. Surprisingly, it was a similar animation to one that wasn't blacklisted, so that made me open my blacklist settings in another tab to try and figure out why. Unfortunately, again, nothing jumped out at me.

Eventually, I think I narrowed it down to a 'cum inflation' tag on the animation vs just 'inflation' in my blacklist. I'm not sure, but that was the closest I could think of.

So, I guess my question is, is there some functionality that would tell me what caused a particular post to get flagged to blacklisted? Like, some way to do 'okay, this is my blacklist, here is a tag on this post that hits it, I should put a strikethrough or something on the tag' if that makes any sense? Or is there a...I dunno, grey list for stuff that I'm not exactly a fan of, but I don't hate it outright to not want to see it? Maybe just a highlight saying 'hey, this isn't something you're a fan of, warning' but still shows up in searches?

So, yeah, hope that made sense. No, I'm not so much asking for why that particular post was blacklisted, just asking in general.


Updated by Furrin Gok

on index page your sidebar you have "blacklisted" and clicking on it reveals tags that have caused posts on the current page to be hidden, but thats about it.

also the post was in fact hidden because of the cum inflation tag. cum inflation tag automatically adds inflation tag to the post, so blacklisting only inflation will hide all cum inflation posts too.

Updated by anonymous

In order to make sure you only view that specific image, or images from that particular image, you can do something like id:1234 or pool:777 as your search, so that the only blacklisted items that pop up to the left are the ones for that image or pool.

Updated by anonymous

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