Topic: eSix Extend (V3.02) - A script that does good stuff to your user experience!

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

Xch3l said:
Is that after its first check or before?

Not quite sure about that.

I just recently noticed that the bar on top changed from Checking subscriptions( green bar) to some Error 404 Message (red bar).
None of the pools got 'updated'.

After it failed a few times, I got suspicious and found a pool which got deleted. After removing that subscription everything worked fine again.

Updated by anonymous

duefff said:
Not quite sure about that.

I just recently noticed that the bar on top changed from Checking subscriptions( green bar) to some Error 404 Message (red bar).
None of the pools got 'updated'.

After it failed a few times, I got suspicious and found a pool which got deleted. After removing that subscription everything worked fine again.

Hmmm... maybe it was the same bug up there, mind telling what was it?

Also, on a related note, I need to change that a bit (save updates at their moment instead of after checking all)

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Hmmm... maybe it was the same bug up there, mind telling what was it?

Also, on a related note, I need to change that a bit (save updates at their moment instead of after checking all)

The problematic pool was Quick Dip. Apparently that comic got pooled twice and one of them got nuked

Updated by anonymous

duefff said:
The problematic pool was Quick Dip. Apparently that comic got pooled twice and one of them got nuked

Hmmm... I checked it and I've got no problems. It was probably caused because you tracked the deleted pool. But I still gotta change the updater behavior, thank you for reminding me, though :D

Updated by anonymous

Found a really bad bug. When editing an artist wiki (so a page like this ), if there is only one single source, it will remove that source link when you save, leaving a blank link section on the artist wiki. You end up having to hit return/enter to create an extra line in the links section after your single source, just to keep it from deleting that source link as you save it. I suspect it's somehow related to the newer change you made to check for and remove duplicate links, and that it's somehow misbehaving to also remove if there's just one line/link in there. I don't know why, that's just my guess. I know it's fairly new as a bug, and that it doesn't seem to happen when there's more than one source link in the artist wiki (probably because it creates more than one line, which seems to keep it from removing it when you save.)

But it also auto-deletes the link if you edit it again later and there's still just the single source for that artist. You can see the damage here for all the times I tried to save that one and it removed the link before finishing the save. The next time anyone tried to edit that artist wiki, if they're using esix extend, there's a very good chance they'll accidentally end up deleting that link again, because the script will do it automatically when they try to save it. I'm hoping you can fix it before it's able to cause too much damage. And thanks for looking at it.

Btw, I know I haven't commented in this thread for a very long time. At some point it started to do the updates automatically, and I'm lazy so I haven't popped in much since I don't have to. But I do use this script all of the time, a lot of the updates you've made have been wonderful and the whole thing is indispensable. Keep being awesome!

Updated by anonymous

I'm kind in the same boat as furrypickle, but I still stop in to skim the comments to see if there are bugs I need to check out and see what you're up to. Plus I thought you'd get annoyed of my constant stream of comments saying little more than "wow, this is awesome!" :P

Updated by anonymous

@furrypickle: Whoa, damn! Thanks for reporting that one! I'll check it out and come back with details once I get home (or in about 10 minutes).

At a bigger scale it may become a problem too, so it's at the top of the list. And in such a good timing! Because that updater fix will now have company :P

@OmgSpoilers: Thank you very much, guys. You really flatter me~ I really appreciate it. Oh, and no need to worry! Fedback, as well as your kind comments are always welcome!

Updated by anonymous

Alright, the first thing on the list is done! :D

Problem was that, when "sorting", Extend didn't have anything to compare the only line with, so it just discarded it (dunno why)

Next things to do:

  • Change behavior of the auto updater (change "Save all when done" to "Save before checking next")

Make it smarter (just don't give up at the first error)
Animated indicator on tabs where the updater is working
[Your idea/bug report here]

Any more suggestions? Either in the introduction or in the script? Something I'm missing?


Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Alright, the first thing on the list is done! :D

Problem was that, when "sorting", Extend didn't have anything to compare the only line with, so it just discarded it (dunno why)

lol, well that sounds about right. Computer logic is definitely not human logic....However, sad to say it but for some reason it's still doing it. You can see the damage in the history here where it was doing it again just a few minutes ago. So either the fix hasn't gone live yet, or it's not quite fixed yet. Just passing that along. I'm sure you'll get to the bottom of it.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
lol, well that sounds about right. Computer logic is definitely not human logic....However, sad to say it but for some reason it's still doing it. You can see the damage in the history here where it was doing it again just a few minutes ago. So either the fix hasn't gone live yet, or it's not quite fixed yet. Just passing that along. I'm sure you'll get to the bottom of it.

Oh, yeah. It'll still do that because I haven't posted the update yet. :/

Since it's important, I'll do the changelog (if there's significant changes) and post it in a while

Updated by anonymous

[1/03/15] Version 2.982 (Code 150301-1, +605B)

  • Updated DNP Database to version 283

Fixed Custom links not updating (again). They now should do
Fixed a small bug when adding a new custom link
Fixed severe bug when sorting URLs at artist create and edit pages [forum #153666]
Added activity indicator to tabs where the subscription updater is working
Fixed a -yet another- small bug on the Subscriptions dialog

Edit: Sorry for not having anything witty to say last night, but life (and emotions) came over... :/

But I hope you had a nice Family Day with, duh, your family. Well, at least that's on March's first Sunday, dunno in your country

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
[21/03/15] Version 2.982 (Code 150301-1, +605B)

  • Updated DNP Database to version 283

Fixed Custom links not updating (again). They now should do
Fixed a small bug when adding a new custom link
Fixed severe bug when sorting URLs at artist create and edit pages [forum #153666]
Added activity indicator to tabs where the subscription updater is working
Fixed a -yet another- small bug on the Subscriptions dialog

Edit: Sorry for not having anything witty to say last night, but life (and emotions) came over... :/

But I hope you had a nice Family Day with, duh, your family. Well, at least that's on March's first Sunday, dunno in your country

Thank you for putting a rush on that fix. It works perfectly again, and it's a load off my mind knowing that isn't accidentally erasing data on anyone anymore. =)

And I'm sorry to hear about the rough day. At least days like that don't last forever. =/ Hopefully you're having a better day today.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
But I hope you had a nice Family Day with, duh, your family. Well, at least that's on March's first Sunday, dunno in your country

There's a family day? I had no idea... I want one! XD

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Thank you for putting a rush on that fix. It works perfectly again, and it's a load off my mind knowing that isn't accidentally erasing data on anyone anymore. =)

And I'm sorry to hear about the rough day. At least days like that don't last forever. =/ Hopefully you're having a better day today.

Well, I got better the day after. And thanks, I do feel better than Sunday

Tokaido said:
There's a family day? I had no idea... I want one! XD

We do over here (Mexico). But I guess it doesn't matter much, since you're free to do it on your country, right? :D

*subtly fixes typo*

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
We do over here (Mexico). But I guess it doesn't matter much, since you're free to do it on your country, right? :D

We don't celebrate one, but we should. We already have a Mother's/Father's day, so why not a family day? That would be great.

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
We don't celebrate one, but we should. We already have a Mother's/Father's day, so why not a family day? That would be great.

My family did steak :3

I say "my family" because I wasn't there :/

Updated by anonymous

Version 150301-01:
Derpibooru search doesn't work.
When you use it, the script doesn't copy the image URL into the "Fetch URL" field of
I don't know if the script even tries to run the search, because there's no error message.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Version 150301-01:
Derpibooru search doesn't work.
When you use it, the script doesn't copy the image URL into the "Fetch URL" field of
I don't know if the script even tries to run the search, because there's no error message.

As far as I can tell the script just copies the link from the image and opens a new window with as the url. It looks like derpibooru doesn't process them like that anymore.

Updated by anonymous

@Munkelzahn, @parasprite
Oh, you're right. It seems that Derpibooru is now using an auth. key, which takes up like the blacklist case. Unfortunately, I can't generate or take a key to complete requests so, unlike the blacklist function, this one will have to be disabled...

Sorry for the inconvenience but this one is out of my reach :/

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
@Munkelzahn, @parasprite
Oh, you're right. It seems that Derpibooru is now using an auth. key, which takes up like the blacklist case. Unfortunately, I can't generate or take a key to complete requests so, unlike the blacklist function, this one will have to be disabled...

Sorry for the inconvenience but this one is out of my reach :/

Any way you could collaborate with clover on this one to find a workable solution?

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Any way you could collaborate with clover on this one to find a workable solution?

Who? I have an account there but only for blacklisting and faves, so I don't actually know any admin/dev. I guess something can be worked on, though

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
@Munkelzahn, @parasprite
Oh, you're right. It seems that Derpibooru is now using an auth. key, which takes up like the blacklist case. Unfortunately, I can't generate or take a key to complete requests so, unlike the blacklist function, this one will have to be disabled...

Sorry for the inconvenience but this one is out of my reach :/

Can't you do it like this?
1) Load
2) Copy the e621 direct image link into the "Fetch URL" field
3) Let the script click the "Reverse Search" button:

It works if you do it manually, even when you're not logged in.

Updated by anonymous

My pool subscriptions have just nuked themselves. I recovered quickly because this time I had settings to import stored. Even though error message was similar to last time I hadn't added any pool before nuke, so I guess that maybe it just didn't handle fact that last page of pool #5430 was deleted after it updated pool to 6 pages.

Also I noticed one more thing: when updating subscriptions script checks all 8 pages of pool #1358 instead of just starting from the last one and only going back when needed. This results in wasting time (especially when site is working slow) since most people using tracking feature are already on the last page.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Who? I have an account there but only for blacklisting and faves, so I don't actually know any admin/dev. I guess something can be worked on, though

If you need to contact the site administrators an email directly, that's fine - just drop 'clover the clever at' an email (remove spaces and replace at with @). You can also contact carcer@ for an alternate contact.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
My pool subscriptions have just nuked themselves. I recovered quickly because this time I had settings to import stored. Even though error message was similar to last time I hadn't added any pool before nuke, so I guess that maybe it just didn't handle fact that last page of pool #5430 was deleted after it updated pool to 6 pages.

Funny you mention it, because I'm actually rewriting that part. Right now it's too dumb (gives up at the first error) and saves changes after checking ALL subscriptions, thus making this way too slow for their updates to be applied. Sometimes they will never be applied, which you all have seen :/

But clearing all? That's new...

Also I noticed one more thing: when updating subscriptions script checks all 8 pages of pool #1358 instead of just starting from the last one and only going back when needed. This results in wasting time (especially when site is working slow) since most people using tracking feature are already on the last page.

Well, the script needs to do that to tell you on which post are you in ("Post 6/15", for example). I hope that, after the rewrite, this becomes less than a nuisance

@parasprite: Thank you, I'll see if I can get to something

Updated by anonymous

I have 2 feature suggestions:

1. Make "Checking subscriptions" and "Done checking subscriptions" popups to be in different color. Like "checking..." in yellow, and "done..." in green.

2. How about being able to define tags you always would like to add to your searches. To be more clear, suppose that below "Refine" there is another editable textbox which saves its content in cookie or something like this. Suppose that user has "-tag1" in this textbox. Then when user enters "tag2 tag3" in search box and press search then it directs to instead of
Something that works like search (Is calculated on server side, and counts to tag limit), but don't need to be added manually every time by user (like blacklist).
Let's be honest: there's season 5 of fim incoming so I'm probably not only one who would like to add -mlp to all searches.

BTW either I'm doing something wrong or there's no way to add negation to refine feature. Having -tag in refine textbox gives same result as having tag there.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:

BTW either I'm doing something wrong or there's no way to add negation to refine feature. Having -tag in refine textbox gives same result as having tag there.

I've tried a few different ways and it seems to only do the basic "everything with this" search. I'm not sure that there's an easy way to get that implemented without rewriting that part of the code. Then again, I could easily be wrong.

Having a live *wildcard in refine would be nice to have though if it were possible. Right now we can choose either "word1 word2 word3" (exact match on) or "*word1* *word2* *word3*" (exact match off), but nothing else.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I've tried a few different ways and it seems to only do the basic "everything with this" search. I'm not sure that there's an easy way to get that implemented without rewriting that part of the code. Then again, I could easily be wrong.

Having a live *wildcard in refine would be nice to have though if it were possible. Right now we can choose either "word1 word2 word3" (exact match on) or "*word1* *word2* *word3*" (exact match off), but nothing else.

I've just checked forum history and in this update Xch3l said that:

Search Refiner: Improved refiner and added refine by specific date ("day:[1-31]", "month:[1-12]" or "month:[January-December]" and "year:[####]") or almonds (kiddin') and adapted to support refine by date ("date:[1-12]/day/year" or "date:[January-December]/day/year"), rating ("rating:[s, q, e]" or "rating:[safe, questionable, explicit]"), score ("score:##"), user ("user:[user name]") and negated tags ("-tag").

and everything else besides negation works correctly. I don't know whether this means that it worked 4 months ago and now has stopped working after another update.

Updated by anonymous

BUG: eSix Extend breaks respond links on individual comments on the Comments page.

If Collapse long comments or Include link to an user's profile when quoting is enabled, the script overrides the Comment.quote(id) function. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on the Comments page. First, line 3513 should use j.post_id instead of postID. Second, it doesn't show the reply box (and doesn't hide the respond link).

Updated by anonymous

Hey guys. Sorry or being somewhat missing. Somewhat because I've come to check on bug reports you guys have posted (which is awesome) and to fave some posts too... but, at the same time, I haven't been alright since mid-past month, nothing to worry too much... or at all... I've also wanted to reply since Granberia's first post after mine but I've been forgetting to do so... I've been quite forgetful too >_<;

But anyway, on the reports:

Granberia said:
I have 2 feature suggestions:

1. Make "Checking subscriptions" and "Done checking subscriptions" popups to be in different color. Like "checking..." in yellow, and "done..." in green.

This should change after I rewrite the updater (aka: on the bukkit list :) )

2. How about being able to define tags you always would like to add to your searches. To be more clear, suppose that below "Refine" there is another editable textbox which saves its content in cookie or something like this. Suppose that user has "-tag1" in this textbox. Then when user enters "tag2 tag3" in search box and press search then it directs to instead of
Something that works like search (Is calculated on server side, and counts to tag limit), but don't need to be added manually every time by user (like blacklist).
Let's be honest: there's season 5 of fim incoming so I'm probably not only one who would like to add -mlp to all searches.

This could be done with removing blacklisted posts and fetching new ones. That or also include refiner terms to the search... hmmm...

BTW either I'm doing something wrong or there's no way to add negation to refine feature. Having -tag in refine textbox gives same result as having tag there.

At this moment, this has been fixed

parasprite said:
I've tried a few different ways and it seems to only do the basic "everything with this" search. I'm not sure that there's an easy way to get that implemented without rewriting that part of the code. Then again, I could easily be wrong.

Having a live *wildcard in refine would be nice to have though if it were possible. Right now we can choose either "word1 word2 word3" (exact match on) or "*word1* *word2* *word3*" (exact match off), but nothing else.

This could be merged with the refiner. After all, it was experimental at first but I guess it now deserves an update (and maybe a rewrite too)

Granberia said:
I've just checked forum history and in this update Xch3l said that [...] and everything else besides negation works correctly. I don't know whether this means that it worked 4 months ago and now has stopped working after another update.

I'm not exactly sure what caused it. I had some leftover code there so I guess that could be it

EsalRider said:
BUG: eSix Extend breaks respond links on individual comments on the Comments page.

If Collapse long comments or Include link to an user's profile when quoting is enabled, the script overrides the Comment.quote(id) function. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on the Comments page. First, line 3513 should use j.post_id instead of postID. Second, it doesn't show the reply box (and doesn't hide the respond link).

I'm aware of this, thanks to our resident parasprite... Parasprite, who poked me in the morning about this, which is fixed as of now too :D

Before I go, I want to say that I might still be popping in every now and then, but don't worry, you can still submit bug reports and/or PM me (I get notified via email about new PMs so rest assured I'll check them). Also, I'll keep poking at the script too, I can't just leave it like that! Right?

Thanks for your attention and, mostly, for your patience.

Edit: I've pushed a fix that addresses the Respond to individual comments site breaking bug. Current version is 150301-2

Updated by anonymous

Hello again :3

Just dropping in to say I've switched over to watching this thread for your updates on stuff. Thanks for working on a neat script and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing a 'Blackhole Blacklisted Posts' feature, as EsalRider neatly dubbed after my long-ass post in the e6 feature suggestion thread. xD

For anyone else interested, this would basically be the hiding of the 'Blacklisted' button in Posts (because who wants to see or unhide the things they blacklisted?) and of the white thumbnails labeled 'blacklisted' (because why let those take up useful space?).

Updated by anonymous

Hey, any chance you could make a minor change to the "Avoid Posting" text, to add a link to the avoid posting list?

XXX is on the Avoid Posting list. Uploading will get you in trouble

Also, is it possible to have it check against conditional DNP? Aome artists (e.g., moodyferret, scappo, jollyjack) have quite a bit of posts on here that get the same notice, which can be kind of confusing. It would be nice if it could be tweaked to say something like this instead:

XXX is conditional DNP. Check the Avoid Posting list before uploading

Updated by anonymous

I have an update! Do you have an update too?

[24/04/15] Version 2.99 (Code 150424-1, +14,260 B)

  • Updated DNP Database to version 296

Took out an unused flag triggered by AGNPH
Formatting buttons with alternate functions (triggered by right-clicking on them) now display a small triangle on the lower right corner. Currently [quote] and [code] have them.
Replaced the Flag icon with an embedded one (again :/ ). Apparently, Dropbox didn't want to display it here.
Fixed alignment of comment scores when logged out.
Fixed theme detection to also include those of AGNPH and 20PC (mainly to color links accordingly)
Messages and Faves counter will now have an arrow instead of just disappearing when their respective options are disabled
Subscriptions panel will now be available for both unregistered and logged off users
Three new options:

    • Blackhole blacklisted posts [forum #157490]: When enabled, this will clean up any trace of blacklisted posts

Freeze pools: Pools that haven't updated since several days will be frozen (set as kept)
Image Resizing Effects: Tweaks image posts to resize smoothly

  • Added button to check for updates to an individual subscription

Improved the logic of the DNP Inspector to account for Conditional DNP and site-specific uploads, as well as few textual tweaks [as suggested in forum #157798]
The tags box can now be "popped out" for tagging ease in post pages [PM]
Added a help link to the search refiner that displays some meta tags that can be used
Improved logic for Check Tag to search for tag aliases when a tag you specify is not used [PM]
Fixed an annoying bug that caused misplacement of several dialogs from the formatting buttons
Finally rewrote the Subscription Updater!! Now it should be more reliable and check for the rest of the subscriptions even after failing at one

Well, there you go! I left the best for the last :3

Updated by anonymous

Ahh! Thank you! owo

That was fast! I installed it as soon as I saw your update and it works perfectly! You helped make my experience here much better. Thank you :3

Edit: Whoa! At first I was worried that this would only work for people who are logged in, but that's only half true. I logged in, made my settings, and when I logged out the Extend settings were still active! No more blacklisted button! No more white blacklisted thumbnails!

You my friend, are good. 8) *brofist*

Updated by anonymous

Very nice work on this update. Thank you for your work.

Just a small bugreport:

- I cant change the amount of days for the Freeze pools function. After saving and reloading, it will show the default 30 days again.

- 'Image resizing effects' seems to be buggy with very low bandwidth internet.
Around half the images I try to view get rescaled to a very small bar a the top (width: 1180 to 1200px, height:17px).
This problem is fixed after reloading.
After turning off the feature the issue doesnt happen at all anymore.

Updated by anonymous

Human-Shaped said:
Ahh! Thank you! owo

That was fast! I installed it as soon as I saw your update and it works perfectly! You helped make my experience here much better. Thank you :3

Edit: Whoa! At first I was worried that this would only work for people who are logged in, but that's only half true. I logged in, made my settings, and when I logged out the Extend settings were still active! No more blacklisted button! No more white blacklisted thumbnails!

You my friend, are good. 8) *brofist*

Yep! You won't lose your settings even after switching accounts too! Only disadvantage is that you can't change your settings while logged out, since they reside in your user settings (but I plan to change that).

*brofists back*

duefff said:
Very nice work on this update. Thank you for your work.

Just a small bugreport:

- I cant change the amount of days for the Freeze pools function. After saving and reloading, it will show the default 30 days again.

Huh, strange. I gotta check and fix that one asap. (I think I forgot to test that one >_< )

- 'Image resizing effects' seems to be buggy with very low bandwidth internet.
Around half the images I try to view get rescaled to a very small bar a the top (width: 1180 to 1200px, height:17px).
This problem is fixed after reloading.
After turning off the feature the issue doesnt happen at all anymore.

I don't see how it could be bugged, but I probably overlooked something or did a typo somewhere there...

I'd like to check and fix those bugs, as well to post a fix for other two, but I don't have internet at the moment (well, technically I do, but it's my phone's mobile data which is quite expensive on image heavy sites). I could change the script but I won't be able to test and post such updates :/

Updated by anonymous

Another bug:
when tagging an image with 'pussy' there will be a DNP warning, because 'sy' is an artist on the DNP list.

Updated by anonymous

duefff said:
Another bug:
when tagging an image with 'pussy' there will be a DNP warning, because 'sy' is an artist on the DNP list.

Yup, I know. I got a PM in the morning about that. No worries, though, 'cuz I got it :3

Updated by anonymous

Talking about AP warnings... Could you make the link to the Avoid Posting page look like an actual link? Because, for me at least, it is the same red color as the rest of the warning text, no distinction at all.

Updated by anonymous

Changes for version 2.99A [150424-2, +993B]: Draft

Link color is now forced in DNP messages [forum #158051]
Fixed bug where "Freeze Date" would not be recorded [forum #158034]
Fixed another bug that repeated the last allowed source for an artist in the DNP Inspector and gave a different color to that message
Tags will now be saved even if the tags box is floating [PM]


EsalRider said:
Talking about AP warnings... Could you make the link to the Avoid Posting page look like an actual link? Because, for me at least, it is the same red color as the rest of the warning text, no distinction at all.

And fixed

duefff said:
- 'Image resizing effects' seems to be buggy with very low bandwidth internet.
Around half the images I try to view get rescaled to a very small bar a the top (width: 1180 to 1200px, height:17px).
This problem is fixed after reloading.
After turning off the feature the issue doesnt happen at all anymore.

I couldn't reproduce this bug. What browser are you using and can you provide a post where that happens?

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
I couldn't reproduce this bug. What browser are you using and can you provide a post where that happens?

So here are some pictures of the issue
Using Firefox 37.0.2 (latest version)
I believe the issue may be related to my internet speed. Whenever a post needs a couple seconds to load it is more likely to have this resizing bug. (Pressing 'Resize image' in the left bar always fixes the image though.)
After reloading or reopening a recently viewed post this never happens.

Updated by anonymous

duefff said:
So here are some pictures of the issue (...)

So I also tried to get this bug to show itself. After I-don't-know-how-many attempts, this happened to post #13902. I have no idea what causes it. Also, I have Image resize mode set to Show reduced samples, but the post doesn't have a reduced sample.

Using Chromodo browser (yeah, not exactly up-to-date, I know).

Updated by anonymous

I don't think it has anything to do with a specific image, since this affects nearly every second image, but only on the first load.
It seems to me rather like some kind of packet loss or timeout, but Idk.
packet loss doesn't seem to be a problem since only this feature is affected and resizing will always show the complete image.
timeout also seems improbable, since even large images only take a few seconds to load.

Updated by anonymous

Alright. I can't still reproduce the bug but I posted another change, so I hope it's good now (Version 2.99B; 150424-3)

ETA: I've also tried with all modes. "Don't resize Images" may compress the image horizontally on the first click but it should fix itself on the next. Looking at it right now

Edit 2: I think I fixed the flattening issue. Update to version 2.99c (150424-4)

Updated by anonymous

I have a problem.

My hard drive was broken so now I have new and I'm installing everything again. However for some reason eSix is not working. Greasemonkey is active. In greasemonkey's settings esix is checked. However there's no toolbar and even no errors in console.

I checked esix settings in addons menu but it looks okay.

I turned off noscript but it didn't help. What am I doing wrong? I remember that last time it just started automatically.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
I have a problem.

My hard drive was broken so now I have new and I'm installing everything again. However for some reason eSix is not working. Greasemonkey is active. In greasemonkey's settings esix is checked. However there's no toolbar and even no errors in console.

I checked esix settings in addons menu but it looks okay.

I turned off noscript but it didn't help. What am I doing wrong? I remember that last time it just started automatically.

Any logs? (also, I know how it sucks when a hdd dies :s )

Updated by anonymous

Just stopped working for me today too. Not sure why, everything seems like it should be in working order though D:

What logs could I give to help, and where do I get them? (I'm a derp)

Using chrome, Tampermonkey v3.10.84, and eSix v150424-4 (which says it updated an hour ago). Both tampermonkey and eSix Extend are enabled, but nothing from eSix Extend is showing up on e621 at all.

Updated by anonymous

There's nothing in either firefox console or in firebug. I can't even see esix in firebug scripts list.

It looks like I forgot to turn on something really stupid but I don't know what.

(also, I know how it sucks when a hdd dies :s )

On the bright side, windows and firefox are now starting really fast.

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
Just stopped working for me today too. Not sure why, everything seems like it should be in working order though D:

What logs could I give to help, and where do I get them? (I'm a derp)

Using chrome, Tampermonkey v3.10.84, and eSix v150424-4 (which says it updated an hour ago). Both tampermonkey and eSix Extend are enabled, but nothing from eSix Extend is showing up on e621 at all.

Strange... Even more strange is that I'm having problems too, which I can't check because they're on my phone :I

But anyway, logs that the script spits out should be tagged with "{eSix Extend}"

Granberia said:
There's nothing in either firefox console or in firebug. I can't even see esix in firebug scripts list.

It looks like I forgot to turn on something really stupid but I don't know what.

Maybe, but I'm not sure...

On the bright side, windows and firefox are now starting really fast.

Well, now that's an upside :D

Updated by anonymous

Count your curly brackets.

Most of these are warnings about missing semicolons and the usage of comparison operators. Excluding those, most other error messages can be attributed to mismatched and misplaced curly brackets. See the second to last error in the list.

Thanks, Tampermonkey.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, I got a similar one from Tokaido...., I shouldn't code at 3 am XD

Updated by anonymous

EsalRider said:
... curly brackets...

I don't know if that's what they're really called, but for some reason I love the name :P

Updated by anonymous

I feel like I'm leaving you guys with an unusable thing. So for now, until I'm not busy anymore (I forgot the word :P ), I'll suggest you to disable the latest version and pick the previous one:

Thanks for your patience, bug reports and... well, everything guys! :D

Edit: Oh also, you'll have to disregard the latest changelog. Sorry for that one ._.

Updated by anonymous

Alright, I just refreshed the published copy with my local one and now everything seems alright now. What I found strange was that my local copy was working fine and since I'm using a fairly outdated browser (Opera 12.17; Last version with the Presto engine and that it doesn't look like a Chrome clone ) I gave everything for granted and thought that they were no problems (note that also it was quite late and I wasn't at 100%)

But anyway, If you took the previous version, please reactivate the newest version and update it (should upgrade to 150424-5), then deactivate the previous, in case there's still problems, and report bugs as usual.

Thank you all for your reports, patience and cooperation, because we can make it together! n_n

gee, that sounded like a child's cartoon :P

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
I don't know if that's what they're really called, but for some reason I love the name :P

Curly brackets or curly braces, I keep forgetting which is the correct name. Maybe both are correct.

Updated by anonymous

EsalRider said:
Curly brackets or curly braces, I keep forgetting which is the correct name. Maybe both are correct.

Both are correct and are often used interchangably. Though, depending on region (and profession) you might end up hearing one over the other.

For what it's worth, Unicode calls them "left/right curly bracket". :P

Updated by anonymous

ESix is now working fine for me. Now it's time to somehow recover firefox profile from old disk.

Updated by anonymous

Works fine after downgrade. Had same problem with not working extension.

Updated by anonymous

reporting in to say that the newest version is working great for me :D

Updated by anonymous

Incorrect DNP warning

When I edit post #647187, eSix Extend displays this warning:
ka is on the Avoid Posting list. Uploading will get you in trouble

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Incorrect DNP warning

When I edit post #647187, eSix Extend displays this warning:
ka is on the Avoid Posting list. Uploading will get you in trouble

Which version do you have? Did you rolled back to the previous or you haven't updated?

Updated by anonymous

Just wanted to say I'm really looking forward to your 'offline Extend settings' you mentioned! One particular thing that would be awesome is if we could set it to hide avatars while offline. Apparently I can still see things with tags on my blacklist in the avatars of comment sections in Posts. Logged in is no problem, but just letting you know the offline side of things. I like not having to log in, so I really appreciate the direction you're going :3

I'm not sure if your 'Blackhole Blacklisted Tags' feature covered avatars in the comments or not. If it did, all I can report is that while I see less avatars of late, I can still see some blacklisted ones showing up for some reason. Even basic stuff like rating:s.

Again, this is just stuff I noticed while not logged in. Not sure if it'll help, but I'm still using this version: "[24/04/15] Version 2.99 (Code 150424-1, +14,260 B)." Everything else in that update has been great so far! So happy not seeing that damn blacklisted button anymore >w<

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Which version do you have? Did you rolled back to the previous or you haven't updated?

I was still using version 150424-1.
No idea why it didn't auto-upgrade.

Updated by anonymous

Human-Shaped said:
Just wanted to say I'm really looking forward to your 'offline Extend settings' you mentioned! One particular thing that would be awesome is if we could set it to hide avatars while offline. Apparently I can still see things with tags on my blacklist in the avatars of comment sections in Posts. Logged in is no problem, but just letting you know the offline side of things. I like not having to log in, so I really appreciate the direction you're going :3

I'm not sure if your 'Blackhole Blacklisted Tags' feature covered avatars in the comments or not. If it did, all I can report is that while I see less avatars of late, I can still see some blacklisted ones showing up for some reason. Even basic stuff like rating:s.

Hmmm... Think that's a site-wide bug, where showing hidden comments would show blacklisted thumbnails again... But I'll check if I can fix that...

Again, this is just stuff I noticed while not logged in. Not sure if it'll help, but I'm still using this version: "[24/04/15] Version 2.99 (Code 150424-1, +14,260 B)." Everything else in that update has been great so far! So happy not seeing that damn blacklisted button anymore >w<

Thanks. Running javascript:alert(eSixExtend) on your address bar should give you the exact version. For example, I get eSixExtend V2.99 (150424) last saved on April 24, 2015 1:23 Pm (GMT-5) - Draft: 04/27/15, 4:30Am. ©2012-2015 Xch3l

Munkelzahn said:
I was still using version 150424-1.
No idea why it didn't auto-upgrade.

Strange. Maybe you manually edited the script...

Updated by anonymous

Oh so it's site-wide. owo

I do have the CommentBlocker add-on for FireFox. So when I un-hid the comments to see if your script was working fine, I guess that bug you mentioned causes some hiccup where unhiding them shows some blacklisted stuff like you said. Or maybe it's something else, and I just don't understand coding at all. That one's very likely -w-'

I only ever unhide comments here for tips and secrets for some of the games and interactive animations, but it would be great to have the Blackhole Blacklisted Tags feature as secure as it can be; even in those little instances.

Sorry for lingering; just wanted to give my feedback on stuff. You're really helpful and quick to respond :3

Updated by anonymous

Human-Shaped said:

I do have the CommentBlocker add-on for FireFox.

You can actually disable comments without the add-on as well. To do this just go to your settings and uncheck Show Comments.

It's probably still quicker to enable/disable them using the add-on, but I thought it might be worth mentioning in case you weren't aware.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
You can actually disable comments without the add-on as well. To do this just go to your settings and uncheck Show Comments.

It's probably still quicker to enable/disable them using the add-on, but I thought it might be worth mentioning in case you weren't aware.

Oh I knew that, but thank you anyway :3

I prefer visiting without having to log in first, so Xch's script's potential interests me! Whether it's through this script or possible future official updates, I think the ability to change settings without needing to be logged in will give everyone a better site experience. I mean e6 already remembers your blacklist if your browser is set to remember those, so the more remembered settings the better I say >:3

Edit of earlier edit: Sigh, well poop. The other day it appeared to have stopped because I wasn't seeing any blacklisted avatars in comments or here in the thread while not logged in, but now the 'pattern' seems to be 'only after I log in then log out' do they go away, and after I've closed that window they'll be back. I'm still using the same version of Extend I mentioned.

Updated by anonymous

Feature request:
A replacement for arttags:0

Why it would be useful:
arttags:0 is broken

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Feature request:
A replacement for arttags:0

Why it would be useful:
arttags:0 is broken

I know that's a pretty much known issue on the site (and prolly neglected too) but I can't do much to fix it. I could do it on the refiner but it's way too limited for the job in the sense that it just finds whatever you give it in the available posts. Sorry for that :/

Updated by anonymous

Feature request:
Personal statistics for eSix Extend
The script should remember how often you've used each feature, and display this information somewhere.

Why it would be useful:
So you can see how useful each feature is to you.
For example, I use the feature "Find Source -> FurAffinity" sometimes, but I don't know exactly how often I've used it so far.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:

For example, I use the feature "Find Source -> FurAffinity" sometimes, but I don't know exactly how often I've used it so far.

Stupid question: where is this feature? I only see tineye, google, iqdb,, and inkbunny search.

nvm, I've just noticed that it's only available for pics that has source like

Updated by anonymous

Does Find Source -> Derpibooru work?
If not, I would suggest removing it.

Updated by anonymous