Topic: faviorte comic?

Posted under General

Usually whatever wholesome day-to-day comics there are. With actual character interactions and growth.

Updated by anonymous

The official MLP comics are honestly fantastic, especially the ones by Andy Price and Katie Cook. The Sombra origin comic is slightly scary, and they often explore other heavy themes in ways no other official stuff does.

Dash Academy is good. For lewd Braeburned is top notch, and for slightly less lewd I recently found Lusty Argonian Maid'd, which makes me laugh out loud. There's also "International Relations":, "Crush":, and "Treasure Hunting":, which is actually kinda cute. I like many comics though.

Also my BBCode doesn't seem to be working...

SnowWolf said:
pool #6488 - Comic Relief

Comic Relief is amazing. Honestly every comic Braeburned has made is pure gold, although I'm not a fan of the premise of his most recent one :P

Clawdragons said:
The Out-Of-Placers, no question.

I found Vasalia through Lusty Argonian Maid'd, which is absolutely hilarious. His (her?) writing is far above the norm. I've just started The Out-of-Placers too :>

Updated by anonymous

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